
Totally fucking agree. As a female gamer this screams of sexism. Females can't have their bad arse in a game. Fuck no, lets turn her into this scared, non-confident, whimpering female that is afraid the big bad man might rape her. That is not Lara Croft. They took our Lara "Badarse TRex shooting" Croft and

I think she must be in the wrong line of work.

Deja vu? I could have sworn this is old news. Oh is. []

So when is someone going to make use of Kinect to let us navigate Windows 8 on our PC's that are connected to our home entertainment centers? :) Be so cool to swipe your hand through the air to navigate Netflix, play games, flip through photos. Come on MicroSoft, you did it for the Xbox, now do it for our PC's!

What do you expect? Bioware is desperate for cash. SWTOR is a flop, so they have to make up the loss of cash somehow.

This, like all vehicles, require the owner to be at least .001% smarter than the machine they are operating. Unfortunately for the auto makers that means that 99% of the populace should not be operating their vehicles.

Who was Francis Marion? The Swamp Fox

To those ragging on this band doing a little gender bending, I'll leave this right here. Remember this?

The daughter maybe the way she is because it seems her father is no better. The daughter maybe a brat, but her father is a boy throwing a tantrum.

We bought the 3D 70" Panasonic Plasma this last fall and love it. It's like being in a movie theater only better. :)

Oh god, another use of the Cloverfield advertising method. Means it is so bad they can't even show us because they are even ashamed of it.

This is why patent laws need changed, it stifles innovation and competition. Apple is just mad because Android phones are slowly taking the market away from their crappy Iphones.

Talk about retro. This was all done and proven to work back in the late 50's, 60's, 70's! OMG...we're going backwards. No seriously...60 years of flight technology and we're going back to a 1960's design of capsule? Pathetic. Just like the ISS. A huge waist of money. All it has become is a LEO photo

It seems funny that we're no further along than we were in the 70's regarding space travel. BTW we all ready know microbes can survive outside the earths atmosphere. Apollo 12 astronauts brought back evidence of this from the Surveyor 3 moon lander. A worker sneezed while working on the camera housing of the

Hey as long as it is 20% better than anything else - I'm there!

Maybe you should read my blog article I wrote a few years ago called "Immortality Is Just a Click Away" [] It discusses uploading ones soul to a virtual world or even a cybernetic/bioroid body. :)

LMFAO! Static Jack - thanks I spit coffee all over my screen!

Only as long as their ammo held out.

It is the only way Apple can compete. Squelch all competitors and make your game the only one in town. That is why I will never buy an Apple product.

NAO is made in France by a company called Aldebaran Robotics. Just thought I would clear that up for you.