
Does this mean no more blurred UFO pictures?

The US stockpiles maybe in jeopardy, but that doesn't mean there is a shortage. When gas companies refine natural gas one of the byproducts of that procedure is helium. It is estimated that helium makes up 7% of all the natural gas reserves. That means there is still trillions and trillions of cubic feet of helium

When was the last time MTV actually played a music video?

If the US would just legalize it all ready, the problem would be solved. Most people would grow their own.

Never understood why it was there in the first place. It shouldn't appear unless you scroll over it in my opinion.

Good point. The guy is a great photographer.

You act as though I and for coal and oil. Sorry..I am not. There are greener alternatives.

No there is not and no I did not. Read what I wrote again. When one of these fails today, it makes the area around it uninhabitable. So nowhere did I say we should build them - ever. Because you cannot make them 100% safe.

I don't have an issue with organized religions myself, just keep your stupid beliefs and rules out of my government and my life. I am so sick of religious nut cases trying to dictate what I should do with my body and how I live. What I find funny is that so many people still hold onto the belief that some unseen,

$10 a month for streaming music? With a 32gb SD card and Pandora this seems like a waste of $10 dollars a month. Hmmm...what could I spend that $10 dollars on and make better use of it? Oh I know! Save it. Tuck it way in a interest bearing account each month, along with the other money I save not going to

Eventually the real truth, like the truth about Chernobyl through a great documentary(Battle for Chernobyl - Google it) will come out. They(TEPCo and the Japanese government) can only hide the truth for so long. Until we can build extremely safe reactors, and have a means of dealing with these reactors when their

Yes, go after non-violent pot smokers...they are such a menace to society. ::rolls her eyes:: The stupidity of this so-called "War on Drugs" never ceases to amaze me.

Exactly, I was banned for making a comment on io9 about one of their writers there always bringing up the race issue. She just can't seem to "not" bring it up. So I was banned for it. I return the favor and banned them from my computer. :)

I'm now a believer. Thank you Crash. So do they turn the massive hole they dig into the ground a lake when they are done? What do they do with the thing when they have dug up all the coal?

Video or it never happened. :)

Also they did not have a plan for a complete failure of the system. If they did we wouldn't be here discussing this now. That is the problem, they not only don't have a place to store the spent fuel - they have no plan on how to deal with a complete failure - which is what I was talking about. You guys keep saying

They came together. Doesn't matter what they had planned. It failed. Failure means loss of life, loss of property and uninhabitable land for a few hundreds years. There is no such thing as a safe nuclear reactor. They still haven't figured out a long term storage plan. So tell me again how this is a good clean