Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime
Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime
Why is this a story?
I’d love to see a movie about an eating disorder affecting someone who doesn’t look like their being affected by ED. I don’t think most people understand that you can be fat and be bulimic.
Staff the entire emergency room with black doctors and nurses, then if some asshole demands he get a white doctor, they can go ahead and die.
I’m actually so surprised at this verdict but elated for his family. She is evil.
Valve? Positive public image? What?
There’s certainly nothing wrong with disagreeing with a piece of art, and I definitely see their point. But removing art because some people disagree with it is... worrisome to me.
if baron is over 8, there were no state laws being violated as it was mentioned he was 6 months over the minimum. If your going to critique, at least be accurate. A recommendation is not a requirement.
It’s true - I’ve tested it. On second thought, I should do further testing.
I value my time a lot more than I did in high school. In high school, money was always very tight but time was plentiful. So it didn’t matter that it was $200 to untangle the broken serpentine belt, replace the broken pulley, and put it all back together. I’d spend the $50 in parts and fix it myself. Now, time is…
This one is easy, I don’t want to do it as much as I did when I was broke in college. I think it has more to do with the means to get more nicer vehicles and more responsibilities. Haven’t had the time to do crazy things like stuff V6s into Ford Aspires anymore.
That is what happens when you elect a Democrat that gives no fucks about their constituents. They taxed the dogshit out of their residents to fund their identity politics agenda and now the infrastructure is so fucked they don’t have the money to fix it. Also allowing for manufacturing to move overseas brought this…
They keep buffing and nerfing Dva and I can’t keep up!
I was under the impression that A&E plants “treasure” in units to make this show watchable. Isn’t that the case?
Isn’t all this shit pretty much completely staged?
Well said. I’m also an atheist, but I may join the Satanic Temple, just for the hell of it.