
Sure, he should go away, but then how will the police departments make more money off him? Follow the money... it’s more lucrative to have him do this again, than to put him away! It’s as if you think it’s about public safety or something...


I agree, and I’m not saying we should be rid of all of it forever, but the current state is very irritating in how it affects everyone else. The US (and many other governments) are trying to legislate based on religion, and that’s just terrible in so many ways. The US, in particular, was designed to be secular, yet it

I agree with you, I don’t want to take it away, but I also don’t think it deserves the blind-faith and praise that is often lavished upon it. Religion doesn’t make someone good, just as atheism doesn’t make someone bad... yet the latter is often attacked as immoral for some reason (even though studies have shown that

I apologize for the “no offense” but it’s my way of saying I don’t mean this to be personalized to you or your post.

I blame dummy-trash, as it’s now VERY hard to tell what’s real and what’s not anymore.

No offense to you specifically, but I am so tired of the “some bad apples” response. If church is supposed to be so good and wholesome, then why aren’t these “bad apples” ferreted out? Instead, the CHURCH covers it all up and hides it all away? That’s WORSE than what happens in a normal society with rules and order.

Not to target you or your comment, but if we’re talking about “supposed tos” then we should know that December 25th is SUPPOSED to be Saturnalia, and has no real connection to Christianity or Jesus. Stop the #christwashing :)

Worse yet is in my Caddy ATS where the leather one folds up incorrectly and makes down shifting on the automatic even harder, because now you have to pinch against the improperly folded leather that’s in the way. So stupid... and this on a friggen “luxury” vehicle... yeesh.

AAA is the worst... their service is terrible, and they now cut you off when you use it “too much”. But, more importantly, you’re supporting the demonization of cars... they’re the ones providing laser, radar, and other BS devices to screw over everyone. People need to stop funding these people, because they are NOT

As others have stated, I wish they would test with all-seasons, because this test is a little lopsided. And not just any all-season, but pick “good” ones. THAT’S a test I want to see.

Too bad that won’t do squat to “erase” the chips. Sure, the board is dead, but if someone really wanted, then they could remove the flash and still access it.

Or, all religions just shut the fuck up, period. NO law or activity should be banned or allowed based on ANY religion. If you impact someone else (remember habeus corpus?) then it should be null and void, period. Whether it’s barring FGM or barring abortions... the law should have NO SAY in matters of ANYONE ELSE’S

Thanks... unfortunately (or fortunately, in this case) I’m not in that area anymore... I’m near Hartford, CT now...

Maybe you can provide a listing of the good/bad dealers somehow? Again, you can certainly put up a disclaimer about how these are your opinions or whatever, but I think it would be very valuable.

I was going to take it a step further - check the output of the battery charger. Maybe it stopped working properly and started dumping in higher voltages or something, due to a defect or something. Less likely, but still points to the charger...

The other side will just make shit up.

As knappsterbot implied... you can’t get macro capability out of a non-macro lens just with software. You need proper lensing to make that happen. Get a clip-on lens to make that happen.

Even hurricanes hate Honda Accords.

“Its almost like he doesn’t know...”