
Human existence requires killing some form of living organism (plants, animals, etc). Heck, surviving disease requires killing living organisms (virii, bacteria, etc).

As I recall, the gasoline provided in CA was a different mix than what was in MA. My brother went to CA (from NY) and saw similar loss in mpg... but we attributed it to the mix they provide there.

I don’t blame you... my Cadillac said CUE will “never be out of date”... yet my 2013 can’t get any updates whatsoever... they never provided the “app store” they said they would, never provided text messaging capability/readback, and of course nothing for Android Auto / CarPlay. The new cars have these features, but

So, then, don’t use or install it. It’s not going to remove any functionality you already have... so keep doing what you do today... the end.

I’m pretty happy with my picks: Porsche Cayman, Mazerati Quattroporte, Benz C250. I’m actually considering trading out my Caddy ATS for a convertble Boxster or similar... so this kinda falls in line with my hopes!

One of my complaints with the official firmware releases is that the upgrade process doesn’t tell you when you need to reset the device to factory defaults... it’s buried in the release notes. That being said, I’d suggest resetting to factory defaults and then manually setting things back up... there were a few past

One of my complaints with the official firmware releases is that the upgrade process doesn’t tell you when you need

Or the Snopes article about it:

Or, God saved Pence from a terrible accident!

The problem isn’t that you can find both sides of the argument... the problem is knowing what’s “real” and what’s just someone’s opinion. Most internet “info” is opinion, but if you take the time to read and evaluate the reasoning, you can quickly see whether it’s based on facts and science or just heresay. Fact is,

It’s certainly creepy AF... but what bothers me is the un-spoken story of the rich people. These people get their jollies by being the criminals or “rapers” or “pillagers” that they don’t get to be in real society. In other words, it’s speaking to the nature of people who want to do this stuff, but can’t because of

I don’t know what the fine is, but it’s rather meaningless if it’s not enforced in any way. How many times have I seen No Littering $500 signs with litter all around them.

Because then only one port would be accesible and the other would be facing away, usually in an even more inaccesible direction. Again, this is the story on most vehicles... not all.

Because then only one port would be accesible and the other would be facing away, usually in an even more

Normal human eyes find blue light to be irritating and “hazy”... they have adapted to work better with true-white or yellowish-white, due to our sun. Turning headlights blue does nothing to “fool” anyone into thinking you have HIDs, and usually makes visibility worse since you’re blocking the more-useful yellow light

Normal human eyes find blue light to be irritating and “hazy”... they have adapted to work better with true-white or

Yeah, but such signs would improve safety and cost money... we can’t have any of that... because: speeders.

Yeah, but such signs would improve safety and cost money... we can’t have any of that... because: speeders.

Agreed on Angel Soft. I am concerned with the funding of the Koch brothers, but I haven’t found a reasonable replacement.

Agreed on Angel Soft. I am concerned with the funding of the Koch brothers, but I haven’t found a reasonable

Well, it is an iPhone. I wouldn’t want to get any of that on me, either.

Something else to note is that the middle lane is also not the right lane. In the case of trucks, they are sometimes restricted from using the left lane, so to them the “left” lane is actually the middle lane... so when people cruise in the middle lane, they are STILL BLOCKING the flow of traffic. Here in MA, the

FWIW, I like Freschetta

Matchsticks are probably more than what most truck owners seem to carry these days! :)