
I hate when people make long tutorial videos to explain something when a paragraph of text would do. Especially when I’m at work and can’t watch videos.

Wrong. A person doesn’t owe you an explanation for why they’re not interested. The fact that they’re not interested should be enough.

This is not to say that providing a reason wouldn’t be nice, or helpful. Just that people do not owe you a reason for saying no to a date or romantic overture.

Yes, just “Americans”.

The companion article in the link canvased the yeah.

While I’m cool with the first and the third - though I do actively use what I learned from this one - #2 is some shit. Pun intended.

Welcome to Evil Week. You’re going to get a lot of articles like this in the next few days.

TL;DR version:

The biggest instant skill-up I’m aware of that people miss out on is ‘Embracing Being Wrong’

If I discounted a politician because their opinion on a subject ‘evolved’ I’d never vote. What’s far more important to me is whether their political campaign lines up with who is funding their campaign.

One nice feature of this app is that (with many candidates) it shows who is funding their campaign. For example, after answering the questions it claims I am a 97% match for Jim Webb, who I know literally nothing about.

Does a whole third of my screen really have to be plain white? And must I zoom out every single time I visit the site?

Doesn’t matter what we think, really. Every time there’s a change announced ahead of time, people complain, and then it goes live anyway.

How about, instead of fixing what ain’t broke (#kinja’s visual aesthetics), adding some useful tools for users, such as the option to ignore specific commenters, or restoring direct messaging via #kinja?

On a more personal note, please stop regular 60 hour work weeks because you’re screwing over sensible people. What the article talks about is well understood, but hours/week (apparent or real) is a very easy metric for management to track. In many large companies, if I average 40 hours/wk and do 32 hours of productive

“For others, you might use this as a guideline to scrap your lawn altogether and plant something else.”

There are many other software examples of bad form trumping good function. Microsoft barrels ahead with its “everything should run one OS” idea, so their stupid no-longer-Metro stuff is sticking around in Windows 10. They didn’t even implement it everywhere, so some screens you’ll have not-Metro and dive into a deeper

I like Rashida Jones, but she is so incredibly out of touch.