Hail Santa!
Hail Santa!
Hail Stan!
“They believe all the same stuff Christians do, except they’re supporting the guy who has been losing since the dawn of time and will always lose for the rest of time.”
Also (former) professional Copy Editor here. Eddie-Brannan was being fairly pedantic. Ashcraft is leagues above most GMG posts as far as grammar and punctuation. There are some truly horrific offenses committed against the language by writers on GMG.
Fingers crossed!
It really is quite good!
It’s...fine. Not terrible, not great. Fine.
He’s Jewish, so does that make it okay to like him? They’ve been oppressed quite a bit over the years!
Excellent user name-comment synergy.
I will join you in this endeavor. The great and historical relationship between our countries demands it! Lafayette, we are here!
Millenials seem to have problems with historical context. The amount of vitriol directed at people in another time for not adhering to modern social/cultural norms is really astounding. It’s like they think it’s always been like it is now.
It’s almost certainly a case of mistaken identity.
I have a visceral dislike of Thin Lizzy. I dunno, it just sucks...
Nicely explained!
There’s ample evidence that a significant percentage of Americans are fucking dumb as shit.
Nietzsche is dead
Frontier and Golden Pride are owned by the same people, I believe. The chicken is well worth it if you haven’t tried it. Blows KFC and/or Church’s out of the water. I think maybe my feelings on Frontier are because most people in Albuquerque act like it’s some super special place. It’s a diner. I get it, there’s a lot…
Unpopular opinion (at least ‘round these parts) Frontier is overrated. Golden Pride is good for Adovada and fried chicken, though. It’s obvious that I’m in the minority on my Frontier opinion, but they really seem like a average diner with one or two stand out dishes (posole etc)
Live and learn, I guess.