Wonder what the gas mileage/MPG is for this kids project...
Wonder what the gas mileage/MPG is for this kids project...
It’s those kind of “people skills” that land you that sweet line cook position.
LOL. You’re one of those “tough guy” line cooks, eh? Keep barking, doggy.
Damn, bro...
You’re on the HOA board of your community, aren’t you?
My bad... don’t know why I thought that...
I think “fame” in this context is like Hunter S. Thompson levels. People who don’t “read” have-heard-of-you type of fame. Stephen King fame...
Quick guide: Red and cool center = Rare
Pretty sure Claire Lower is IN Chicago, bruh...
“cause she tends to make them medium with no pink/rareness remaining.”
Christ, dude... that’s... fucked up, man.
Looking the other way, clearly.
Garbage in, garbage out
Again, idiocy.
He’s not informed, he just put a large amount of words down that are empirically untrue. I mean, maybe he/she wishes this were the case, but reality says otherwise.
You are an idiot.
The argument isn’t whether a woman or smaller person can win a fight, it was about whether the genders are predisposed towards strength or not. Men are (in general) stronger than woman, Biologically. Agility, training, etc aren’t what PV was saying. he/she was (incorrectly) stating that it’s social pressure or nutritio…
“The physical differences between male and female physique are primarily due to social pressures.”
I was with you until the Zappa part. Zappa is pseudo intellectual trash. The rest of your comment makes sense though.