
I continually try so hard to get gender neutral baby gifts for friends. I've come around to the idea that I don't want to know the gender of any potential children I have before they're born. No one is getting the chance to go all BLUE/PINK explosion. I fucking hatte the color pink too, and wore blue all the time as a

I didn't find out the gender while I was pregnant and I found a few Babysoy onesies that I like a lot. They're more expensive, but they run a little big and have bottom snaps, footies, AND mitten sleeves (which is like the holy trinity of onesie features). They have cute, gender-neutral animal themes, too. I love my

Hmm. That's too bad :( I haven't been to Denmark in years so I'm coming up short. I hope you find some good store that's not too pricey and congrats on your coming baby!

Carter's has a good deal of basic "baby" vs boy/girl clothing and Gymboree has some as well.

You can never go wrong with Aden + Anais muslin blankets as a shower gift and they have gender neutral choices.

It is really difficult to find non gendered clothes. My hubby and I decided not to find out the gender and it really upset a lot of people: 'how will we know what to buy?? How will strangers know the gender of your child from 10 ft away?' People also got rude about it when baby was born. I dressed my little girl in

H & M?

Oh yeah. Forgot about Etsy. I got my friend's baby a onesie with Bill Murray on it. My friend wanted it so I was happy to give it to her baby.

I recommend going to thrift stores. Your baby will grow so fast and soil so many clothes that it's more about quantity than quality, in my opinion. I'd also look online. I was lucky because my then father-in-law worked for a medical supply company, and he sent me a massive box full of shirts, onesies and receiving

Ugggggh. One of my best friends had a daughter a few years ago and I bought her this ADORABLE sleep set. Blue with little stars and a moon on it. Like, I wanted one in my size. When I gave her the set her husband said "oh, you got her a boy's sleep set."

My room was yellow and my mom hates pink. My little sister had a old fashioned winnie the pooh room which was green so non gendered baby rooms are possible! And in my opinion better looking.

It really depresses me that BABY clothing has to be specified as "unisex". As though there is a different in male baby/female baby body type. Ugh.

Ugh. And so many dinosaurs on boy clothes! It's as if they're al being initiated into some prehistoric cult.

I just shrug and buy my daughter stuff from the boys' section at Old Navy, Gap, etc. Dinosaur socks should be for everyone, dammit!

I don't know what it looks like now but when all my friends and relatives were pregnant at once, about a year ago, I could find a fair amount of newborn clothes in cute yellows, greens, purples etc. on Amazon.

I definitely found that most clothes for kids are very gendered but I didn't have too much trouble finding baby stuff that just had giraffes or bears or whatever on it. Once they hit toddler age, forget it. Good luck trying to find a tshirt with a rocket ship that doesn't also say "This boy is out of this world" or

The good news is, no matter how it's gendered, kids will play with what they feel like playing with. So while my toddler boy gravitates towards trucks and sharks, he also enjoys playing with dolls and Barbie stuff. And he likes the color pink. Personally, I dress my boys in a lot of navy blue. But if I had a girl, I

I've noticed that while shopping for my friends' babies. I seem to do better at some independent stores that feature local artists (and I feel so lucky that I live in an area where they even exist), but they're still not ridiculously expensive (maybe $20-25 rather than $30-40). Poke around at craft fairs or try Etsy,

"...a onesie...declaring her 'daddy's little princess.'"