
It is so funny that you say that, over the weekend I was shopping for a baby shower for a pregnant friend who doesn't know the gender of her baby. There was seriously nothing that wasn't either girl/boy specific or a million dollars. I kept making the joke that the ultrasound people are in cahoots with the baby

I'm glad you look back at that day so fondly (as you should)! And NO ONE should judge you for spending money for something that you value so highly.

Are there any of men? You may be right about racist but now I think we're squarely in misogynist.

Edit, I wanted to add, Obama's spending is actually publicly tracked and is available for anyone to see. There are a number of laws that govern the White House expenses. For example, the Obama family must pay for the food they eat, but things like State dinners when foreign heads of state are paid for the by the

The difference between the Obama's inviting celebrities to the White House and say Madonna performing for a dictator is that as far as I know celebrities don't receive any compensation to visit with the president. It's obviously an honor, but there is no financial angle. The US has really strict transparency laws

Oh, that's a very interesting question-I never would have considered the situation from that angle. Your suspicion that it's really not a big deal over here across the pond is absolutely correct. (In fact, I disagree with Korra in that I don't even imagine the opposite party will think twice about it.) I think

I'm American and I do find it unseemly, no matter which politician does it. I prefer politicians to be more dignified (or at least pretend) than entertainers. Not a huge deal; I'm not going to lobby for an amendment about it or anything, but I don't like the direction it's going. the U.S. it's not quite as big a deal. Of course the opposing political party will try to make it so, but that happens no matter who is in power. Celebs often volunteer their time on the campaign trail or for other social causes, and we've had quite a few public officials who were once famous actors.

Well, I started to glance over the link, but to be blunt with you: I can't read this. It will make me feel like shit. And in fairness, you are supposed to retroactively gender the person.

"What began as a story about a brilliant woman with a new invention had turned into the tale of a troubled man who had invented a new life for himself. Yet the biggest question remained unanswered: Had Dr. V created a great golf club or merely a great story?"


You can definitely do it until the end. Some stuff, like reaching your toes, becomes impossible but you can still do a lot. My baby was 5 days late and I was at my yoga class on my due date. Good luck!

Yeah, I'm 19 weeks tomorrow at age 40 and I realize I still have half of it to get through and things might change, but so far I feel exactly the same as I always do except I get tired a little more easily.

Respectfully, if you guys have something specifically against Vogue then it would be great if you would just write up a big retrospective piece. The more you make this about Lena Dunham and effectively force her to respond to this—which no matter how you slice it is a direct discussion about her body that invites a


Congrats! I too had a very easy pregnancy, I really enjoyed most of it (maybe except for the lady couple of months), no nausea, no swelling and I only gained 10 kg. However, giving birth naturally was THE WORST EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE. I never thought pain like that existed. It was literally hell. Thank god it only took

That's awesome! I had a really easy pregnancy too. I was only really uncomfortable during the last couple of weeks. Prenatal yoga really helped me stay comfortable as I got further along. Labor and birth were easy too. I had a planned home birth with CMMs. The experience of pregnancy and birth can be wildly different

I got pregnant with twins when I was 41. I heard horror stories about how hard it would be - not only had bad "normal" pregnancies were, but with my age, and two babies, that it would be torture. But I loved being pregnant. I was uncomfortable at times, especially at the end, but I really enjoyed it. I liked it so

Well that's an absolutely lovely story. Congrats :)

Actually, I've read other T1 women say they felt good during pregnancy, but bad right after birth... something to do with hormone levels. So that could explain it.