T1 diabetic solidarity your way. Congratulations, and maybe you've earned the easy pregnancy cause just having T1 is bad enough.
T1 diabetic solidarity your way. Congratulations, and maybe you've earned the easy pregnancy cause just having T1 is bad enough.
I love her! And now I'm tearing up, but they are happy happy tears. She is luminous.
Slippery slope? How about letting religion dictate healthcare coverage as the ultimate slippery slope here? SOME RELIGIONS DON'T ALLOW BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS. Sorry for shouting, and I know we all know this, but this whole thing just has me so full of wtf. Fuck you Notre Dame and Hobby Lobby and all the rest of you trying…
I'm only pregnant with my first right now (18 weeks!) - so I can only base it on that, and god do I hope I don't end up jinxing this thing, but so far? Honestly? Easy, breezy. I don't even get it. I didn't find out I was pregnant till 8 weeks along, cuz I had like zero symptoms (minus feeling a little fluey?). I think…
Take that back, you bastard!
Ahhhh, Scandinavia; a place I long to see. Yeah, 300k is roughly a medium U.S. city and probably a small Indian city/village.
That sounds roughly like I had envisioned it; I've read some fiction by female indian authors (Jhumpa Lahiri in particular), and I was particularly struck by how helpless/hopeless they made being a female in India sound; and in Lahiri's case, she's from England! That didn't stop her from tuning in to the destitute…
I did not see the incident involving the Swiss couple- that dampens my hope that something positive can happen as a result of this awful crime. I feel bad for women period, but especially those in India. The international spotlight needs to continue to shine on this putrid issue.
I'd have liked to see Daniel Bruhl over Jonah Hill. But I'm crazy biased in favor of Daniel.
I was bummed that Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts were nominated for their scenery-chomping in "August: Osage County." Emma Thompson ("Saving Mr. Banks") and Octavia Spencer ("Fruitvale Station") would have been better choices.
Not much love for Before Midnight. I loved that movie.
Disappointed that Blackfish got snubbed. Lupita better fucking win this time.
Nothing for Best Man Holiday, bullshit.
I know I'm going to get flamed for this, and I certainly support your rights as ladies and gentlemen to get tingly in your downstairs parts at the thought of Benedict Cumberbatch, but I just can't get on board. I think he's very charming and all when I see him in interviews, but all I see when I look at him is the…
A fellow dane here, and this really breaks my heart. This woman is my mother's age, who like the woman who was attacked likes to go abroad and see more of the world now that she has reached middle age and has more time and more money to do so. So this really hits very close to home.
And what about all those recent gang rapes of Indian women and girls that made the news internationally? Did we all collectively dream those?
I'm guessing there are things other than rape to be found in that vast and diverse country.
Margaret Thatcher had an affair with Satan.
[Stares longingly out the window]