
But the troll's name is just so apt!

Yes it fucking is.

It makes me sad that Charlize is with Sean Penn. Her father was an abuser, and Penn is a known abuser.

Hands up that you trust Burt's opinion that we'll sob like hungry, angry babies and just skipped right to the comments without reading any of the links.

This is the first time I realized Willow and Jaden are named after their parents of opposite sex. Wow.

No, because extrapolating the bad actions of individuals to an entire culture is stupid bigotry regardless what color most of the people are.

Ha ha, just kidding, you are nothing like Prince.

I'm very sorry that you and the others who've posted have had negative experiences with Indian men in the past. On the other hand, as an Indian man, a feminist, and a regular reader of this site, this discussion makes me wince. Fact: there are shitty and not-so-shitty people out there from every culture and creed.

She looks amazing but the song is lame-o (said the person who just used the word lame-o.)

She would be so much better as Nina Simone than Zoe Saldana.

Yeah, it was in the 1980's. (I'm an old.) If things have changed so completely since then that's a wonderful thing and I'm happy to hear it. I guess my point overall was that custody is a really important thing for men and women, and to the children of people of both sexes. Since I had a very painful experience

I understand that these women desperately want to experience pregnancy and certainly this is interesting science, but I'm very skeptical of using this as a standard treatment for "lack of womb." Getting any sort of organ transplant is very serious surgery with major risks, as well as the side effects of having to take

My only problem with this ad is the inclusion of Margaret Thatcher.

Oh, as someone who had to sit through a Mother's Day "celebration" at my children's school that was a celebration of pregnancy exclusively, I'd say all cultures view women who can't reproduce as lesser.

Hey! I get to be relevant to the conversation here... I don't have a uterus. Born without one. Found out when I was 19; currently in my early 20s.

Oh for fucks sake, treating cancer is not the same as having someone else's uterus transferred into your body - hence the "at some point"

I do plan on adopting, and I in no way said that anyone else should not be able to do this. I just said that *I* would not.

In my community there is a serious issue with too many children in the foster system. It sucks when people cant conceive, it is heart breaking. It is also heart breaking to think about how many children need parents, need nurturing. Without spending a crap ton of cash on fertility treatments and risking your own life

I'm of two minds.
1. I wish we didn't idealize the "glow" of motherhood and pregnancy or make women feel like they're not real women or not performing their function if they're unable to become pregnant. Medical advancements are great, because each one comes with a greater knowledge of how our bodies work, but

Argh. You're totally right! I was just so incensed about the slight that I wrote the wrong thing :(