
Aniston was dating and then married to BRAD FUCKING PITT for much of this time, wasn’t she?

The Boseman story is equally heartwarming and infuriating. It’s great that he was the kind of guy who would step up for their castmate, but it should not be the actors themselves who have to make sure that their costars get paid fairly. The studio could have afforded it and it’s obvious her asking price wasn’t

It doesn’t have to be a campaign slogan, and it doesn’t have to be a centerpiece of the campaign, although I’m not sure I see why it hurts him any more than Republicans refusal to give Merrick Garland a vote hurt them in 2016, or their hypocritical insistence on ramming through will hurt them now. But if Biden is just

A very young Angelina. Thirty years younger than he is. Six years older than his eldest child.

I get it. It’s definitely my favorite Shakespeare comedy, and B&B the best couple IMO. It was a really lovely film—shot beautifully, acted well, and the backstory made it even more special. Still, you can’t go wrong with Kenneth Branagh’s :-) 

You. Are. A. (very bored and) Horrible. Person.
Standing up for rape victims does not make you NOT a POS yourself, just FYI.

In better news: Weinstein Found Guilty

They #NotAllBoomers’d you. 

I hate to feel like we are bailing out the oil companies and governments that are causing these fires.  I know people are hurting but we should transform that hurt into righteous anger and demand they pay reparations for the damage they are causing.

I wish I could get an agent to set me up with someone. I don’t think that’s what’s happening here, but I’m on a breather between two first dates today and I fucking hate dating so so sooooooo much. 

I got divorced a few years ago after 20+ years and was anything but sad...except for the fact I could not afford to frolic on a beach...

It takes a lot of grain and a lot of effort to make oat milk; the same concept (large quantities of grains/nuts, large amounts of water, lengthy processing time) applies to all faux milks.

supply and demand. demand for cows milk is high (i guess) so the supply needs to be high and large batches yield cheaper prices.

I specialise in Myanmar and have lived there for the least several years, including in Buddhist nunneries and monastic schools. Yes, Myanmar is very religious, but the degree to which that translates to policing individual sexuality really varies. There is a long tradition of same-sex attracted identities, its not

She will never be free from her thirstiness and short attention span. It must be mentally exhausting to be her.

So where are we right now with our election. Well the short answer is:

YouTube dramas make me feel like saying “ok boomer” to MYSELF.

Mari Kondo has built an empire convincing people that they could be happier if they just get rid of nearly everything in their homes by emotionally recognizing the value of the item, thanking it, and letting it go on to some other life.

Well, a big part of the show is that she is fucked up and the show is her journey to realizing and owning up to it. I think that fact that she’s imperfect and selfish at times while caring and sympathetic at others makes her more real and relatable.