
Jail time? Is that joke. Who are you? Marie Antoinette wanting to jail the peasants for eating your cakes?

So I spent the day marching with over a million people in the big smog where, just as we reached Parliament Square after two hours of walking, it was announced the Letwin Amendment passed meaning a delay has been requested.

That's honestly sweet. 

There is one, and only one, Kylie. If you are referring to any other Kylie you must include their last name, because only Ms. Minogue is simply “Kylie”. It is one of the five or whatever commandments.

I believe the real reason Paul Rudd knows so much about the Titanic, is that he was onboard when it sank and managed to make it into a lifeboat. Dude’s immortal.

Ellen really surprised me with this one. She could have gone the whole “we were seated together so I was just being polite” which, sure! Makes perfect sense.

Also I thought everyone hated that uncle now that his candidate won and he’s not as harmless as we thought.

Ellen seems like a nice person who has lived in a billionaire bubble for far too long. How George Bush’s policies affected women and gay people did not and will not ever impact her in any meaningful way. She’s insulated by wealth and has been for many years.

On the other hand, I give him props for dating/hanging out with/in any way being associated with a 50-year-old woman! Leonardo, please take note.

George Clooney is doing a pretty good Hemingway impersonation:

She’s a professional dancer; I know a few, and even after kids and decades, they just don’t.age like the rest of us because their bodies are constantly in tip top shape. 

Google the topic “South Korean plastic surgeons”.

People of Puertorrican descent have been genetically provent to be the most diverse - and hence - perfect human beings. This is a scientific fact - don’t argue.

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it eleventy billion times...J.lo is my very favorite vampire.

J Lo looking the way she does now is the perfect blend of hard ass work and very good doctors.  

She probably has access to all those things, but the word is that J-Lo takes super great care of herself, ie. no carbs, no refined sugars, lots of greens, etc. Also, she’s a dancer and keeps up with dancing/workouts. And good genetics, of course.

And she’s been pregnant with twins. I only have one kid and no planks in the world will get rid of the loose skin on my stomach

I was about to say that I appreciate that the top of her thigh at least appears human in the header image.

This isn’t an example of racism, it’s an illustration of where anti-racism education was back in 2001. Concepts like “micro-aggression” and “mimicry” were not part of the conversation. People didn’t know the difference between a culture and a costume.  

Lots of people in the comments are saying that there is an