
I ate my placenta. Well - I got it dehydrated and made into pills, but still a thing I did after the birth of my second. I was so desperate to make sure I didn’t have the same experience as with the first, I was like TRY IT ALL. No regrets though - whether it was placenta, placebo or just plain luck second time round

It’s so normal what you’re feeling. So so normal. I went through something similar - I had a great life before kids and it felt like everything that was great about it was lost. But the truth is simply that in those early stages you just don’t know yet fully all that you’ve gained and how great your life will be

Thank you!! 

They are many shitty people out there... why can’t we focus on the good ones period? surely they’re there. Somewhere. 

I am genuinely excited to introduce my two pandas to her. But at the age of 2 and 5 I think they may be a wee too young still :P 

They really are different... I guess her being vegan etc. makes me think she takes good care of the dogs. Or at least pays someone to, cuz obviously shes’not around enough. 

So Missy Elliott is clearly in the group of “we don’t age”persuasion. Love the song - made me feel like the drunk teenager I was once was, with a fake ID dancing in the club to Get Your Freak On... nearly 20 years ago (WTF).

My son was projectile vomited straight into my husbands mouth. It was equal parts funny and ridiculously gross. 

It’s funny how people can watch the same thing and have totally different take aways.

Yes, but then Kate Beckinsale dated Pete Davidson, who is also 25. So it’s probably just their thing and she’s used to her parents...taste. 

Precisely. The adjustments to her story were welcome and let’s face it, much needed (hopefully they’ll take note for Ariel too) but that song... it’s like something you’ve already heard a million times but couldn’t actually remember and repeat if they paid you. 

I’m gonna go watch it again. It really is the best. 

Right?? And the cast looks so good too. Cannot wait! 

Totally agree - songs in live action are ok at best and cringe worthy at worst (looking at you princess Jasmine... whoever wrote that song Speak needs firing). 

Totally agree - songs in live action are ok at best and cringe worthy at worst (looking at you princess Jasmine... whoever wrote that song Speak needs firing). 

This is 100% the remake I’m most excited about and this looks epic. I’ve recently rewatched the original with my daughter (she’s 2 - gotta get them young) and cried ugly tears just as I did watching it as a teenager. Bring. It. 

Ok, I must admit, my sympathies for the baby having “identity”issues are pretty limited - he’ll be raised by two, seemingly anyways, adoring parents with every financial and otherwise resource available to make his life comfortable, safe and nourishing. He’ll be fine.
The reason for my comment was based on what’s

I think you’re reading into things that aren’t there. I see no connotation of it being a bad thing - just a factual thing. 

Here’s to hoping - lawd knows that house is in dire need of diversity.