
This is probably a weird thing to say but I’m genuinely sad that baby is so white. Also, christening is an odd thing to do. I know they have to blah blah but I seriously even doubt they’re religious (albeit I guess you’d have to be to a degree to make sense of the whole idea of monarchy). 

I’m a (half) Serb, so I love Nole (honestly it’s not even a choice for us) but he has quite a bit of growth to do on these issues. That said - believe you me he’s very forward thinking for the average Serbian man. 

There’s this collective denialism when it comes to MJ from people closest to him. It’s quite mind boggling and difficult to understand. Most people can usually accept that a person can be multifaceted, and be both good to you but potentially awful to someone else. Maybe it’s part of the whole god like person MJ build

I actually read the text as Kim Kardashian and didn’t even flinch. They’re all merging to one person. 

While I 100% agree with the sentiment it is not always possible to see the fetus through an abdominal scan in the early weeks - at least where I’ve been it’s only used from week 12 onwards.

Just to be clear - I’m not saying overpopulation is the sole cause of climate change. Of course it isn’t. But to say it doesn’t play a role, is also strange. And it’s not about appropriating blame, it’s about looking at where we are and finding ways to deal with it. Which obviously no one is doing really, so it

But over population shouldn’t be left out, as it IS part of the discussion. We need to have plans in place how we’re going to provide for a world of projected 9 billion people in 2050, and we don’t. Add climate change to the mix, which let’s face it is going to affect in the most dire way the poorest places in the

Of course there is such a thing as over consumption - the issue isn’t whether we can feed 7, 8 or 9 billion people. We know that theoretically we can because of technology advancements, but at what cost to the environment and for how long (presuming current trends continue)? The biggest pollutant right now is the meat

It’s especially disgusting with US removing funding for all family planning clinics in developing countries that mention abortion. Also in conflict areas where rape is so prevalent.

I just watched Always Be My Maybe and my husband and I literally squealed like two teenage girls when Keanu walked out.

I honestly don’t understand how one can make such a bad movie with such a big budget. Like what on earth is your excuse? I hope no one lets Zach Snyder next to a camera ever again. 

Id argue the issue wasnt so much that they were made so soon after the Nolan films, but that they were genuinely terrible movies. 

Came to say the same thing. 

God I miss Bobby :-(

Word. Salma is what - 50? - and has like 10 greys. I started going grey at 23 and now at 33 its more salt than pepper and just hell no. 

Thanks for taking the time to give another perspective. I feel it’s been quite lost on most here. I love how Westerners love to criticise the UAE while completely living in glass houses themselves.

Yeah, please don’t speak for all expats or what we do or do not buy into. And also Qatar is not UAE, and certainly not Dubai. 

You need to kind of understand context and history - 30 years ago majority of women in the UAE couldn’t read or write. Now more women than men have an education. Emirati women are empowered in many ways but that doesn’t mean there still isn’t lots of work to do. But this being a country in the middle east surrounded by

Hey I have loads of other posts and feel the same way! You feel better now? 

Please don’t speak of things if you dont know anything about them. I live her - wearing tank tops in Dubai mall is not a problem, Sheikh Zayed Mosque hands out abayas so no need to take a picture without wearing one :P (and for comparison try entering a temple or the vatican in short shorts as well. It wont happen),