
Yeah, false. Just because a place is more nuanced than some like to portray doesn’t mean it’s some coordinated fake news account. Shocking I know, the world isn’t black and white. 

a 4 year old wasn’t put in jail because her mother drank wine. The 4 year old was detained together with her mother (and what should they have done? Left the 4 year old unattended in the airport? Or separate her from her mom as Americans are prone to do nowadays) after her mother tried to enter the country illegally

I really read it as sarcasm and that this is an angle the GOP/FoxNews (potato potahto) is gonna take. I dont think Rebecca meant it seriously at all. 

Now I just hope that Jez will stop posting about them? Everything I know about the Kardashians - which tragically is a fair amount - I know from this dirt bag.

Well. I know someone who slept with Justin (while he was dating Cameron Diaz, cuz hes really great like that) and she said it was both the worst sex of her life and he was way below average. I believe my friend.

I’m more disturbed by the not respecting women if they have sex on the first date comment... but yeah hopefully he’s evolved since four years ago.

I don’t know about that as havent seen any but... she does talk quite a lot about form and how to do it in the app though.

Why not? It’s fucking great.

Word. And also... it’s not drastic in any way. She just looks fitter in the last photo.

The Swedes??? How could you forget the Danes! :P Seriously though - the Danish crown princes has great style if you need more inspo ;)

Im a lapsed Catholic my self - and without doubt the best part of the church is the laymen folk. My granny was very actively involved with so many Catholic charities that were truly amazing. But on top - it’s still got a long way to go. Just look at how hated Francis is :/

Well you know how it is, the second the boob is not there for someone to gawk at it just becomes a gross vehicle of nutrition, amirite?

I did - but I’ve also frequently seen those who don’t. It’s a bit funny, but Western women do all cover up, yet Arab women sometimes don’t.

It’s funny - I live in Dubai and here breastfeeding is extremely encouraged. You can literally do it absolutely anywhere and if ever you’re harassed or told to move you can call the police - and they do take it seriously.

Well... first class gives out noise cancelling headphones to everyone anyways so... seems more like a marketing trick to me :-P unless they always fly private and just don’t know?

Preach. Our bodies - our fucking choice how we choose to deliver a human.

It does sounds that way - and its her choice!

It really depends - most moms can hold their babies and the recovery is very individual. Point is, its individual, as it should be! Its just not a value statement on all women.

Oh I know - it sucks this whole narrative and whats a good birth. But she wasnt making anyone feel shit - she was talking about her self and her experience. I think we really need to learn to separate the two sometimes.

Im a proud haver of a vagina - and two children. So, you know, dont judge a comment by the picture of the avatar? :D