
OMFG - maybe it was a lazy choice for HER?? I honestly don’t see the issue with her comments at all. Seriously. Does anyone actually read this and think that she talks about ALL the c sections ever done? Because to me it reads pretty clearly as a personal experience. And why not?


Supposed to prevent PPD as the main benefit.

How does something become mainstream accepted medical advice? There’s been little research into this - and while of course what happened in this story is awful it’s not from the actual placenta but because it got infected with strep by someone who didn’t know what they were doing. This is not like anti vaxxers where

That can’t fly surely. Polanski survived Auschwitz Andrew had his nine month pregnant wife murdered. Still doesn’t excuse rape.

Currently in bed, lying on my side 33 weeks pregnant. I miss sleeping on my back SO much 😭😭😭😭

My cat hated our roomba. He would run away when it worked and hiss at it while it was docked. One day we came home and found a giant turd on said roomba. The cat won. We no longer have the roomba.

Am totally doing it :P Much Ado About Nothing ❤️

So much this.

Such a wrong time to be pregnant friends, such a wrong time.

Im so sorry for what you and your family are going through. Thank you for the very sobering and equally terrifying information. It’s a disgrace on all counts.

This is seriously awful for Michael Buble and his family. Literary every parents worst nightmare. I hope he pulls through :-(

You’re not alone ;) Been with my husband since I was 17 (am in my 30s now). Sometimes you’re just lucky the first time round!

You know.... I believe it?

He’s not. Or at least the claims that he is are really really strenuous at best.

I know it’s good news and I’m of course relieved for the polish women.

Love it so much.

Hahaha don’t think that’s ever been much of a concern for the British aristocracy :P

It’s a posh thing in UK. You won’t see George wearing trousers until he is around 7. It’s too peasant like to cover a little boys knees. Or something.

Unpopular opinion here too - Kim K looks ace. If you’re gonna spend that much money on your looks, at least do a good job of it. And she definitely does.