It’s heart breaking :(
It’s heart breaking :(
I just... how scared the little boy must have been. God. The world can sure as fuck be so cruel to those who least deserve it.
Absolutely. I have never been a very paranoid person, but the kind of thoughts that sometime enter my head freak me out. I guess that’s part of the joy of parenting :(
This poor family :((( I have a two year old boy, and I just cannot even begin to think what they must be going through.
Personally I think most criminals deserve a second chance. That's what jail is supposed to be for ya know?
nope. Definitely didn't say that.
I know a lot of people are hating on this whole thing - but I kind of love it. If this can turn his life around? Go get it.
But bitches can be so provoking, you know?
Ugggggh I really wish I had stayed away. People are effing horrible. :/
Literally all over :P Norther and Middle Jutland and Copenhagen for sure and then we’ll see what else is possible.
i can imagine there are a lot of fun die right wingers right now who are really unsure if they hate Muslims or gays more. What a pickle! One things for sure though - this will be exploited to the max by the GOP and the Donald and I’m already terrified of the vile rhetoric towards Muslims that is bound to follow. Oh…
Oh god no worries I'm in a totally different time zone anyways! Thanks so much :-)
I have a ridiculous summer holiday planned and I’m feeling overwhelmed. I know it’s all my own doing but alas.
Im totally new to reddit, but I sent you a message on the site. I didn’t get any password though? Sorry! I’m a total novice no idea how this works. But I wrote a short message about being an infrequent commentator but an avid lurker :)
Followed you! (ringaileub). Love your posts on Jez. That said - I dont get twitter and I’ve had it for like 6 years. :/
I’m @ringaileub - not an active twitter user, but if kinja goes down will have to become one pretty darn quickly. I’m gonna link my twitter to my instagram so photos of my cat are a given :P
Disagreed. She's a great actress. Genuinely can't think of a movie where her acting bothered me in the slightest. Quite the contrary.
Well that sounds like a fair system...
You do you, adult babies. You do you.
Depressing as hell.