
Yeah, it seems like a really weird thing to casually mention if you are not really sure that it’s true, no?

I have a weird affinity for Enrique. Loved him as a teenager, and he essentially hasn’t changed. But 15 years with Kournikova? Im ancient. So ancient.

I am for starters not a guy. Although I do consider my self honorable. A noble lady of sorts. When the occasion calls.

Right?? What’s with the ‘don’t press the solids’!? Why on earth not? Because adding more strawberries is a BAD thing?? People are crazy radicals.

Because that’s not why she took it. Its a drug that’s only available in 4 countries as far as I know, and it’s mainly used for treating angina and heart failure. None of which are affecting Sharapova. It’s useful side effect though? Increased bloodflow in the body and enhanced performance. Sometimes, when something


Why did you file this to Muhammed Ali? :-P

Not what I said at all. Like not even a little bit.

In a way, age shouldn’t matter - we still try Nazis when they’re well in their 90s, die during the trial, and if they dont receive a suspended sentence because of age. But those trials are also important parts of recording human history - not because I think anyone feels any form of justice is achieved.

Well, we disagree. I think these things matter a great a deal - in particular when we think about how to prevent crime and rehabilitate criminals.

I never defend Polanski as a person - he obviously committed a grievous crime. A crime which you have to be all kinds of fucked up to do.

I don’t think France hands people over to the US period.

I would get into a long rant about just how awful the Law and Justice Party is - and they’re the fucking WORST - but there is so much animosity against Polanski here that I don’t want to derail.

Yeah. Good counter.

Ah that makes sense. Here's to hoping he will get the help he clearly needs and won't hurt anyone else.

Yup it can. It's awful in all its forms.

What happened with Kate Moss? I didn't even know they dated.

Absolutely. I have unfortunately far too much experience with DV and it always involved a drunk.

Wow. Holy fuck. I’m not gonna lie - Depp is the last celebrity person I would have ever thought capable of DV. That said, abusers can and do take many forms. I do wonder though if this behavior is a result of substance abuse.

While they hang people in Singapore, true, they did have a debate about it a while ago and a study showed that death by hanging is instantaneous because the way they do it in Singapore the neck snaps immediately. So in their logic it’s not a cruel way to die.