
Obviously a little genius. But I hope he’s using those 3 hours a day on studying spelling out of his own volition. Because god damn does that sound like an enormous amount of pressure on such young shoulders.

I don't think you need to read coffee beans Gella. I think coffee just speaks to you.

Yes but why can't she just read her coffee residue like us normal people?! Alternatively chicken bones.

I miss Alias. There. I said it. It feels better.

Detective Latoya - never forget.

Why would anyone feel the need to see 7 psychics?! Is it an uber rich people thing - like they literally don’t know what to spend money on and it’s between gold toilets, Chanel purses for their dogs or psychic.

Meh. I’m not a PhD (and hats off to you - I struggled like mad with my Master thesis and that’s only 70 pages!), but while I was studying I really valued the classes that were occasionally taught by industry insiders.

But the way the article makes it sound, is that he left the hospital with a laceration on his face against medical advice? If its just a cut, I imagine they just couldn’t give him a private room to stitch it up and he didn’t wanna deal with that. But ok. He’s of course entitled to have his owns wishes.

I - shamefully, but whatevs - read celebrity gossip daily. I would not be able to pick him out in a crowd. Someone’s suffering a little bit from delusions of grandeur.

Im firmly team neither. Michael is dull on every account and theres something about him that makes me actively wish for his death. I swear to god this is not who I am as a person normally but I cant stand his stupid face and want him gone forever.

Ah yes, I keep forgetting you Fahrenheit users :P I think 40C is above 100F :)

See. That baby is a winner. He’s no social welfare queen.

Why is it illegal? That’s an amazing find!

Only while in utero though. Once out, baby can fend for itself!

Probably for the first time in my life I’m relating to Prince William.

Which is why I hardly ever go to the cinema unless it's something completely PG (well that and Vox Gold). The cuts they made to James Bond were infuriating.

Pretty - but a giant pile of flea infested turd.

That said what this article also doesn’t mention is that most births are just your standard text book cases where nothing overly dramatic happens.

I genuinely felt more attached to my baby bump than my son when he was born. He felt very...foreign. And as someone who had never held a child before having my own, I was surprised by just how little he could do.

All the stars for you. I'm still giggling at this five minutes later.