
@popix: Mac OS X Leopard With Less Spots

Speaking of Minecraft, the other day I started hitting a brick wall to dig through it instead of getting my keys out to open the door.

Mr. Homeless in Paris: brilliant article. As a student, stuck in a dull city called Sydney, I've always wanted to escape and do some heavy travelling, but the way I've been taught means to me travel means having lots of money and at least my own motorbike rather than hitchhiking, and at least a YHA hostel somewhere.

@Mr C: oh, my bad. Sorry

@mer7: Knowing how developments go, I won't be seeing it for at least several more months, as per usual. Sigh

See, I was just hoping they'd port WP7 to the HD2 in some reasonable amount of time, but then I see the HD7 with its clever kickstand there and then I think to myself, "hell, it'd make a good eBay listing, the HD2, wouldn't it?"

And yet again, for the second time in 30 hours, I look at my HD2 with increasing amounts of forlorn. Dammit, HD7.

@rothgar: For $450 Australian..sure. If you're not kidding. :P

@Benedinho: You sir have just earned the 'comment of the week' prize, to me.

I cannot stop drooling.

@Clashwerk: Home is where the porn is?

Knowing Casio, 140 hours will be 1,400 hours. I bought my calculator seven years ago, went through high school using it every day, and to this day I still haven't replaced the battery.

Interference from Neighbours (and other Gadgets)

@P-Z3r0: Makes perfect sense to me.

@Sharon Hardy: Too bad Australia is phasing out those bulbs completely.