
I said the EVO, but give this poll in a few weeks I'd go with a WP7 phone.

@tucker augie'ben'doggy: I told my parents that if they don't give permission to donate my organs in the case of premature death, I will come back and haunt them. works well enough for me.

@Larry Williamson: The sheer amount of these pages never ceases to amuse me every time they redesign.

Really? I absolutely love the new gadget smell. You get this fuzzy warm feeling shiver through you from sniffing your newly acquired product.....

@BuckieJoe: DA-TA, thanks. I don't understand your "dayta" or other stuff, like "aloominoom." There's an i for a reason *sadface*

Data centre in Australia! Data centre in Australia! Data centre in Australia!

@Mattizzle: That clip just scared the crap out of me. Imagine it worked out how to get out of the tank in the middle of the night and attack you.

Gizmodo, I love you.

Why can't Australia ever get something first?

Far out, I just spent hours two days ago uploading several albums full of photos. Time to redo that.

@ricoinc99: for the record WP7 DOESN'T suck.

Baby, baby, baby, nooooooooo...

If this phone's screeen is 3.7"+, here is the big money question:

@Snatchertas: I have just one question. Screen size, good fellow commenter? Please?

@lindamller: Yeah - it'd help a lot with those people who end up suffering from the phantom limb for years. I can't imagine the horror of having a massive phantom itch on a phantom limb and you can't scratch it because well, there's no limb.