
ah!!! great catch!

with what, your cold-ass spaghetti? BRING IT

Nanefua reading a (potentially romantic?) book named Brigand reminded me of this Kate Beaton comic:

Yo Vietnamese American woman here. Feel ya concerns.
You asked if there was anything on the show that could help overcome that qualm:

"Enjoy Slurm! It's highly addictive!"

no WWII between humans, but maybe a big gem skirmish hmmm?

expect a planet full of hedonismbots, eh?

well, Steven's a half gem and HE loves it!

I loved that ending - really mythical and inspiring - beautiful but freaky, knowing that shit could change its mind and destroy everything

I am just catching up with this show and when I first saw this ep, I actually thought Majors had the hots for Peralta and was going to ask HIM out not Santiago!

when the heck is this show gonna come back?!?! I miss it :-(

I actually really like LSP but I found her insufferable once they got shut in with her - I mean for christ sake, all the fucking chips, LSP?!?!? I'll forgive you a lot and find your diva ways charming but shit, leave a bitch some grub

Yah IAMWTC - I think it will advance her character and it'd be nice to see some humans in the town interacting with our green dorito.

wow jesus that is so fucked up

sure I think some of the scene can be "yay racists get murdered" (which okay, violence is never the answer, etc. etc.) but the other part of it is showing the racism POC deal with and how it grinds on you until you just feel like you can't escape and almost go mad with it

I'd agree with that for the mom, but I thought the dad was pretty funny and convincing.

I loved how he haltingly read some of the sentences in the book too - because that's how you sound when you read out loud - sometimes sentences catch you off guard and you stumble a bit, not like a perfect monologue you've practiced like you see all the time in movies. It's a nice touch :-)

I could see the ending coming. Didn't care. Still loved this episode so much. It's so hard to find a Halloween episode that's actually a bit scary (c'mon that sticks-in-eyes-Doll in an empty room was a bit freaky), but touching and funny at the same time. This reminded me of Halloween episodes from The Simpsons

Yeah there was a comment earlier actually, saying that Peridot is like the poor white southerners who were also fucked over by the war but couldn't stand to be second to black Americans and so were still racist and would defend the status quo just so they could justify their bigoted, miserable lives.

Wow! I totally forgot that quote - so amazing that they put that picture in because it caught my eye too. Love this damn show.