Methinks it was too much "caning" that led them to this predicament (but with cocaine)
Methinks it was too much "caning" that led them to this predicament (but with cocaine)
Two words... Chewbacca defense
Two words... Chewbacca defense
I think her employer has a valid argument... her cultural head wrap was clearly neither clean nor pressed!
Sounds like commenter who didn’t read the article and is bitching because he has no idea what he is talking about...
Gunpowder was a gift from god to help Jesus protect himself against homosexuals and dinosaurs!
Baseball in the Butt had a baseball in the butt, but Football in the Groin had a football in the groin!
In Soviet Russia, bacon eats you!
Dude, this was an oddly profound article... as a straight white male aged 18-35 living in Canada a lot of the stuff going on down there is foreign to me on many levels. This really hit home though. Play on with enthusiasm!
Wake up sheeple... the simplest explanation is what "they" want you to believe... the truth is needlessly complex! [PS Occam was clearly illuminati]