
Joe Manganiello. Which I can now pronounce thanks to that movie.

I feel for Donna in this episode. On one hand she's dealing with Cameron; a brilliant person but emotional and who hides all her cards. On the other hand she's dealing with Gordon; another brilliant and emotional person who is more obvious but lacks vision to make things happen without guidance. And both of these

I can't tell if they're trying to say she's lagging behind in the growth of IT or if she's limiting her brilliance because she's scared to give up any control.

Agreed. I do think he needed to go after that.

This, too! It's a classic case of the entrepreneur wanting total control of everything, at the expense of the company itself. It's dangerous to have code that only lives in her head, to not let the team innovate beyond her (it's how she lost Ryan).

I want to feel more sympathy for Cameron. But I can't fathom her motivations. Does she want to fire both Swap Meet founders because she has to maintain control of everything? Or is she doing Craig a favor with the buyout giving him seed money for a new venture, and getting rid of Doug who's ruining her company's

Worse, she was as patronizing to Ryan as Gordon et al were to her when she was trying to make them see the future of technology. But I agree, stop talking and start listening.

I spent at least fifteen minutes yelling at the TV "Just offer a basic free version, then a paid version with more bells and whistles." But the TV knew better…

I remember not loving this album on the first listen, but learning to appreciate how much it solidified them for me as an LA band and not a Seattle band.

I'm now picturing a younger you and Jason Mann in a coffee house, excitedly chattering about "the warmth" of film versus digital.

Aww. I have the CD (yeah kids, a ceeee-deeee, and I had to climb a hill in ten feet of snow to buy it… now get off my lawn!).

Were they baggy enough to be jorts? Legit I had the same thought but wasn't sure.

Or get away with doing absolutely nothing but being decoration.

Money. Dick. Meh?

Unless this is a Pam wakes up and Bobby's in the shower kinda season.

To Ruby for telling Darius off: high five!!! What the fudge was he thinking, that she'd take him back after all she went through on the show. Um, no.

It's real enough in soap opera land. Although I wouldn't doubt the TMZs of the world would pay big $$$ to expose a TV show being directly responsible for killing someone.

Unless Rachel checked herself in? Also, it was REALLY hinky her mother openly acknowledged she was her daughter's psychiatrist.

True but it doesn't have to be binary that either she's corrupted or she's righteous. If these guys have been squirreling away money from insider trading either she can turn them in…or she can extort them for money she could funnel to the victims. Both choices are corrupt; one choice is less venal. But to your dark