Yay! Thanks for the info.
Yay! Thanks for the info.
What a frustrating situation for everyone. I feel bad for Jason because he wants to make a good movie, and his role is to be authoritative and lead the vision of the movie. He tells Ben and Matt that he wants to do film, and he didn't hear the Hollywood doublespeak in their answers. He also doesn't have the experience…
Has Judy Greer officially moved to bring a lead actress? Because she's a go-to actress to add to the cast; she can be the bestie or the cutthroat enemy.
But then he'd be shooting a movie about hobos, not rich people.
Imagine it: Citizen Kane 2: Rosebud's Revenge
Right? Yet I can't help but think some of these amazing directors would be excited to explore and innovate with digital.
I know it's not good TV to get too technical, but I want to see Powder articulate exactly why this movie needs to be shot on film, beyond something he read from a book in film school. Digital seems to be the more flexible format, easier to edit, and there doesn't seem to be any technical advantage to film that (with…
I think it's interesting because it's being released on HBO, which will ultimately air/distribute it in a digital format.
I get Effie's point: they're already 10% over budget, they haven't locked location, actors or even their script…and Powder is still beating the dead horse about film.
Oh God, that State Farm plug was so painfully bad it was awesome.
Fished in
"Let's Get It Started" — The Black Eyed Peas
Ooh, that sounds interesting…
It's good to give a show the benefit of the doubt :). I am just nitpicky sometimes so I thought I'd vent among friends.
Bravo! Bravo! Encore! Encore!
If he doesn't know Mandarin from Cantonese why would he know written Chinese from Kanji or any other character based language? I guess we shouldn't think too hard about this, since it doesn't seem like the writers did either.
I wrote that because it was the final bad detail that did me in. They mention her tattoos are new and then she does things that people with new tattoos are too sore to do. She's in the hands of the FBI, the govt org known for their profiling (NBC just killed off a show about an FBI profiler for jeezsakes) and no one…
As long as they don't show it on my next flight out of Newark
It's a treasure map… a National Treasure map….