Just in case anyone missed the sarcasm http://www.depressionquest….
Just in case anyone missed the sarcasm http://www.depressionquest….
Absolutely about the SW prequels. IMO Episode 3 should have been the best of the series… it's the legend of Darth Vader. Star Wars was never strong on love stories; Leia and Han worked because it fed into the action but centering the story around Padme and Anakin was a train wreck.
Frankly I could do without most of the nekkidy stuff on HBO; there's plenty of nekkid on the internet if you need it, and most of the time in TV it doesn't do anything for the story*. But if it's going to be used, exploit everyone equally. Make the naked male as ubiquitous and meaningless as its female counterpart.
Look, HBO, you do you. If that means every new show on your channel needs a gratuitous sex scene with nekkid people, OK. But for the love of Ray-J, can't you at least employ equal opportunity exploitation???
Yes, on the surface they identified it as Gordon's code. But theoretically Tom could've thrown in some other code to mess with Gordon's code. It's definitely a stretch, unless Tom thought scrapping their entire system would give them inspiration to do better.
Maybe not. If most of their subscribers are students or 9 to 5ers, off hours would be their prime time.
Someone predicted last week that Gordon's eff up may have been Tom sabotaging the system. I wonder if Bosworth's suspicion is foreshadowing…
B) Shock or not, when your parent dies in a shootout you aren't playing shooter games in 48 hours.
C) Serving to a minor notwithstanding, how can the case be based on being the bio mom and NOT include both children????
E) If Ben is her "third"…
The 80s saw the rise of the supermodel, a number of which moved into film… Brooke Shields, Paulina Porizkova, and '85 was the year Grace Jones was the Bond villainess. But I would agree Darryl Hannah was big at that time.
From the first episode Rachel and the Suitor schemed to "shock" everyone… I kinda wonder if that was choosing Faith, or if there's something bigger brewing. And am I crazy or is anyone else getting the transgender vibe from Faith?
I thought Rachel was getting a prosthetic eye…?
I just assumed they'd come up with a half-ass reason to bring her back midway through the competition….?
Frankly I was kinda waiting for Useless Random Blond Guy to murder everyone. I mean, teens staying in cabin the the woods is a boilerplate horror film setup.
If they're going to use a promo like "an episode that changes everything" it should be include something better than teenagers hooking up. Sheesh.
A plot about making the people of Monaco pay taxes sounds hella-fascinating to me…..so I totally get why Weinstein thought he had a pot of gold…..<rolls eyes="">
According to My So-Called Life, yes.
"Nards." Love it.
Roseanne had the same premise of a blue collar family, and it won plenty of Emmys and had solid ratings (except toward the end). But back in the early 90s a show competed against three other networks. Now a show competes with broadcast TV, cable TV, premium cable TV, classic shows on demand, and web-based programming.…
"My name's Jeanine, but a lot of guys call me Shawna" ;)
If there's no Pizzazz and The Misfits makin' mischief, I call shenanigans. It's like remaking Dynasty without Alexis. Or Little House without Nellie.