
I have two words for that family: DNA test. Sheesh.

Thanks for the info. I agree, if he's not in private it's grounds for censure.

Aww, thanks. Half the fun of of the comments are the names people come up with ( yours made me giggle).

Can anyone confirm… Did he report this story on the news or was he shooting the bull outside the office?

That's not being picky at all. That's why I thought it was so unbelievable, since most people watching suspected he was a plant, and none of us are political strategists.

I never said I was the smartest student in Miss Beadle's class ;)

They didn't address it… :(

I appreciate that the show as moved away from being the Sheldon Show and back to am ensemble.
I also have to appreciate that Howard is the one to start the Emily vs Cinnamon game, when only a couple of years ago it would've been the Howard vs Cinnamon game.

I thought that parting shot was funny because we know Sheldon tracks Penny's cycle (from a couple of seasons ago)… so it's possible they are.

Aww, man, I totally missed that. Guess it's time to quit this show then.

Earlier in the season Holmes said that he found new purpose in mentoring Kitty… So with Joan now his peer, do they plan to bring in a new protégé?

I thought the fake hostage was unbelievable, a rookie mistake for a seasoned strategist.

Jimbo Jones: You let me down, man. Now I don't believe in nothing no more. I'm going to law school.

I dunno about this one. Noah and Alison just seem so deluded in their memories. After all the sh*t Noah does to Helen, she begs to have him back? More likely, the other way around (or Helen is going thru big hoops with reconciliation to try and get out of paying Noah alimony). And after all the sh*t Alison pulls with

Interesting perspective. My read is that Hallie knew at some level he wasn't engaged in their relationship because he was still in love with Maggie. She may have provoked him to get him to engage, to vent her anger for him not loving her, or even to make him break off their relationship.

Interesting perspective. My read was Hallie knew at some level that Jim was coasting along in the relationship because he wasn't invested in it; he was still in love with Maggie. She may have goaded him into a fight to provoke a real emotion out of him, or to give her a region to break up with him.

Interesting perspective. My read was Hallie knew at some level that Jim was coasting along in their relationship because he wasn't invested in it; he was still in love with Maggie. I think Hallie provoked him

Hmm, I didn't get quite the same read on the fight as you did; I'll have to re-watch it. My sense of it was that he was openly derisive when she got the job offer, and passively making digs about it after she took it. A fight was inevitable, although you may be right that she goaded him into it because she was tired

For a guy who liked to verbally beat up his ex-girlfriend about writing for page views, Jim's moral high ground doesn't seem to extend to promoting his current girlfriend over more senior or better qualified staffers.

Pulling a Kelly Taylor? That seems like a big character development she hasn't earned yet.