Dosadi's failed experiment

It’s fucking infuriating. Now that my uncle has been checked into the hospital with covid and my asthmatic mother is home sick on quarantine with it (though she’s been doing pretty well overall), my dad finally stopped complaining about the oppressive democrats. My MIL finally took it half serious when we told her

The bribery was for paying money in exchange for letting them on the team, no? If there’s a job that is open that I would be able to do adequately, but there are also dozens of people who would be able to do that job spectacularly, so I pay you to ensure I am able to do the job, it’s still a bribe. It doesn’t matter

It isn’t petty though.

At this point, it’s not petty. Republicans have gone from bending the rules, to breaking the rules, to breaking the rules and claiming Democrats are breaking the rules. They absolutely will not stop until some big names go to prison. 

President-Elect Biden, I want my petty served ice cold with a side of schadenfreude. And I tip.

I never found that response to work very well. For many people, telling them you don’t want kids is like telling them you don’t want oxygen...they are unable to imagine someone not wanting something that, to them, everyone should want. As far as they are concerned, children are a basic necessity of life and saying you

I’d love it if all retail would take this opportunity to CLOSE for the holidays.  I’m an old and when I was young, NOTHING was open on holidays, not grocery stores, not restaurants, nothing.  I know these businesses probably make a lot of money on holidays now, but I’d like it if their employees could be home with

I thought my friends and I were the only ones to play this game. Question: Is the money refundable once placed in the kitty? Because it is my firm belief his fat ass will ghost the WH and the country before January 20. I would bet cold hard money he don’t stay to do the handoff to old Joe and Kamala. But, I would

You’re depressingly right, the second best kind of right.

They know they lost. They know WHY they lost. But Hell hath no fury like a white man being told “No.”

Cooking with a banana peel is a slippery slope.

This happened yesterday:

!!! We have pretty much given up on 2020. But Patti LaBelle’s son being a misogynist and a self hating gay black man is a bridge too damn far.

I am not enough of a snob to have these wine bottle size names memorized, but I am just enough of a geek to know that they exist.

I grew up in the City of New York and we had blue collar workers, drug addiction, hard ass times and Ford and Reagan literally telling us to drop dead. No one in America ever made a movie about us to dispel the myths of the “Welfare Queen”, Black on Black crime or “The War on Drugs”. Nope. The people that elected

You got a tick trying to suck your blood. Might want to smash him.

We should, but we’re not. We’re just eliminating jobs. I hate Walmart with every fiber of my being, but they’re unstoppable, and in a many parts of this country where they’ve killed all other businesses, people are desperate for any jobs they’ll give them.

From the bottom of my ballsack, fuck you.

Biden can’t fix stupid and racism is just another form of stupid. It’s a treasured stupid, but still stupid