Dosadi's failed experiment

I don’t care about the books writing about his more than obvious racism (water is wet). I will buy a book detailing his Russian mob ties and other criminal activity before and during the white house. Otherwise, I’m out.

Thank you for covering this story with insight and compassion. We definitely need to have more conversations around mental health issues in the black diaspora. 

Piece of advice: forget the flushable wipes, get a bidet attachment. You will never regret it. If you want to splurge, get one with warming features. 

Here is a big hug for you. I have a lot more to say but that is all I can manage for now. 

I agree 100%. That is all. 

This is truly criminal and suspect as hell. They know he is innocent and just want this to go away, regardless of the harm done to him. Shame.

You have been hanging out with my sister and I can’t stand it!!!! :(

2020, the year satire lost all meaning.

Thank you. This race war started a long time ago and is so ingrained in America’s culture people don’t even realize it. Or, in other words, what you said.

Thanks for this.

Yes, the lying to the funders was rampant. I could not do it.

Not even then.

You are completely correct in your assessments.

Your anger is magnificent! A+

Your sentiment is apropos and I am with you all the way. And ,while a suspect broken clock is right twice a day (Shaun King), I can wait for white Jesus to go away when all else is addressed.

That about sums it up.

This hurt to the core. I am so sorry.

Mr. Young, you are all the way right about this and thank you.

Your article is everything. Thank you.