Dosadi's failed experiment

I am not high and can cosign. She look old as hell.

What has struck me the most about this epidemic is exactly the lack of humanity that white people have shown. The “I don’t care about no one but me and mine” mentality and the “too bad if it hurts you” attitudes have me cringing in my skin. I don’t understand why these people ignore that we do not live on a frontier

No wonder he lost the trade war to China. 

I would say that sending Duke Leto to Arakis was more nefarious than Robert asking Ned to go to King’s Landing. I don’t want to say much more or give away the plot.

That “tuna melt” is a nasty hot mess.

I cannot wait to read this book!

I just don’t trust black men in bow ties.

10 lb bags at Sams Club!

You need all the stars in the world.

Jesus fucking christ!

I am not yet numb to the Trump family fuckery. Every time I read a new story about the depths of the corruption of the trumps and the republican party my only response is, “Jesus fucking christ!”

My guess is that Trump is taking these anti-malarials and that is why he is not dead yet.

Well, at least they didn’t expel the black student (I hope).

I had a “Mrs. McDonald” in my life, her name was Mrs Thompson and she helped me to believe I could be anything I wanted to be. Teachers like these are the lifeblood of successful schools. Thank you the Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Thompsons in every school.

Every time I read about another corporate bailout, another means of trying to save a dying industry, I think about Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged. So many republicans think of themselves as the “hero” Hank Reardon but in reality are the Wesley Mouches of the randian world. Cronyism, fortification of failing businesses

Logic only works if there are people smart enough to understand how the system works and how to use it. The current occupant of the white house and his minions only know to do what they have seen done before. There is no one smart enough in the room to make strategic decisions.

The problem with crowdsourcing, even among ER doctors, is that so few of them have any experience with epidemiology, that anything they offer would not come from a perspective of deep understanding or experience. This is what the epidemic teams and public health teams were supposed to do.

I love this family and wish all children could have the love and support that these parents have shown their child. They give hope in a hopeless world.

Me too. I have cabinets full of cleaning supplies. One on each floor of the house and some in closets. I will not run out of cleaning supplies till you do.

Why you killing my joy though?