Dosadi's failed experiment

That outfit was not for his wife. That is all.

I need these. 

First, I am not a drinker. However my boyfriend of two years suddenly dumped me on my birthday by sending me flowers containing a break up note. I then went to my best friends’ house to drown my sorrows, and she took me to her favorite bar. I proceeded to get very drunk and on the way home vomited in her brand new BMW

Now playing

Is this a remake of the movie, “Get Hard” with Will Farell and Kevin Hart?

I can attest. I live near a college with a whole lot of white student renters who think I am some sort of homeless criminal. BTW, I own my home. They do not acknowledge my presence even when I speak.

Sensei (polite bow).

I wholeheartedly agree with this list. I find Twizzlers disappointing. However, I have to say that the best red licorice I have ever had was from “South of the Border” store. They were sweet, tangy, full of cherry flavor and the best “red” licorice I have ever had. Unfortunately, I live six hours away :(

You are welcome. You make me want to cook!

Call yourself whatever you want. You do you and be happy! Don’t let anyone else define you.

I love the way you write!

Damn skippy!

Jesus F*cking Christ!!!

The people who green-lit this are trolls. Seriously.

All I have to say is...

Dr. Pimple Popper anyone?

This is how you write an article about a complex figure in a complex society. Thank you.

A+ This article is spot on. I support Elizabeth Warren, who while she has some issues, is much more competent than Joe on any day. I will vote for whomever wins the Democratic primary but I hope that black folks want better than the same-ole, same-old.

I think I fell in love with you a little bit just from reading the introduction to the recipe. Thank you!

Got damn right!

There are larger women who run marathons, races and all sorts of major physical feats. Lizzo is a phenomenal and energetic performer which is a better indicator of her health than her body size.