Dosadi's failed experiment

I’m not crying, you’re crying...

I cannot iron. It is so bad that I no longer purchase clothes that require even the most minimal ironing. My ironing is so bad that I don’t even own an iron.

I would give you all the stars in the world if I could.

“Supporting Biden is the modern American version of ‘peace in our time’. As simple as that.”

Support for Joe Biden is the conciliatory approach to the white nationalists who have completely come out of the shadows during the occupant’s presidency. Those who support Biden at this juncture are hoping that a milquetoast white bumbler will appeal to the (only slightly racist) whites enough to depose the occupant

Who do you think the cops are and where do you think they are coming from? The mafia did not just disappear, they absorbed themselves into the political system. The FBI had issued a report that white supremacy groups were focusing on infiltrating law enforcement groups. We have plain evidence, based on the behavior of

He is a punk who thought that his son was a shield for keeping the black man from whoopin’ his butt should the confrontation not go the way he imagined in his fake superhero mind.

You are speaking directly to my paranoia.

“It will still somehow be black peoples’ fault for not roaring into the polls with 100% turnout to offset the piss baby vote.”

People are giving Drumpf a lot of credit for the cruelty and corruption we are seeing in the government. Orange Foolius is a distraction, a shiny toy to keep the country distracted, while the Republican party has filled the courts with their cronies (which have now stated as president that partisan gerrymandering is

Hey! Sarah Huckabee Sanders is, so why not!

You have turned me on to something new. Thank you

She can preach that all day because it is the truth!

She rocks!

Cops are not afraid in these situations. Maybe it is my paranoia speaking, but when cops are members of racist facebook groups, mass murders (white) are taken alive to burger king, and there is no accountability from police unions, stories like these strike me as state sanctioned murder under color of law.

I don’t think we need a revolution of guns, I think we need a revolution of hackers and economic warfare against the wealthy. Let’s puncture holes in those off shore accounts and redistribute the wealth. This is wishful thinking, I know but a person can dream...

You missed the white outfit for special occasions. The white outfit can be; church clothes, titty dress, or casual clothes. It is versatile and a requirement for every black persons complete wardrobe.

This piece is an excellent explainer on how “justice” and the political system work in America.

Just to add to your point, he is also generic white guy. Which for some reason people think America needs generic white guy to beat dump in 2020.

You are absolute fire and I love you!!!!! Preach!