Dosadi's failed experiment

In Biden’s world, to apologize is a sign of weakness. Biden will not forgo decades of habit to appear weak on the campaign trail. Even if the acknowledgement that his personal habits would allow him to gain respect with other groups and help begin the first steps of restoration to those he wronged.

Or maybe, stay with the paranoia here..., maybe the DA is bringing charges that will result in securing donation pledges from these families for his/her re-election campaign. And mayyyyybeeee those charges will be dropped or minimized once those pledges are secured.

This article was a wonderful read. It is also on my must share list. You have laid out a very clear and cogent argument about “economic anxiety”. Citing this article, it would be difficult to argue about the embeded disparities in citing white economic anxiety.

Tessa Thompson’s Independent Spirit Award’s dress is everything I want to be right now!

I coveted his look the first moment I laid eyes on it. As a female, I found his look to be self affirming and dramatic. His travels down the red carpet made me feel for, a short period of time, that the world could be a better place. 

apropos, apropros...

Melania stabbed his hand as he was reaching for some fries on her plate.

I hope so. Your described scenario would be my very own Christmas gift.

This is him laying the groundwork for a “National Emergency” declaration. I would bet dollars to doughnuts. 

This style seems to have originated in Brazil with a new “hot” barber Ariel Franco.

For the last few days, I have been reading this story as a morning and mid-day pick-me-up. Watching those fists of fury fly makes my heart all warm and fuzzy.

Theprize” is going to DJT. The worse of the worst.

....Boredom, I am definitely dying from boredom.

In the city I live, the car has to move 500 ft in order not to be ticketed.


History seems to be repeating itself.

I have to agree. There are pleuripotent and totipotent stem cells. P-stems develop on track to become certain types of related tissues, T-stems are much, much more rare and have a wider range of tissues that they can become. There is some research on taking P-stems and de-differentiating them so that they have a wider

Monique, You are Fire and I love your articles.

I was in middle school and the first girl to get breasts. The boys would grab them at any opportunity. I tried sitting in the front of the classroom right at the teacher’s desk so she would see it and protect me.

This needs to be starred a million times. I just left my hostile work environment because I finally began to stand up for myself after being persistently bullied by white women (the absolute worst) and I was considered rude, angry and hostile. I have had enough of this Sugar-Honey-Iced-Tea!