Dosadi's failed experiment

Is this based on “The Story of O” who got a vagina modification to prove to her lover she was his?

Ok, but isn’t his administration “researching” how to shrink or remove some national monuments?

I needed this story. This story warms the cockles of my cold black heart.

THIS is my absolute favorite!

Thank you for this. I was already painting my sign. I live a few blocks from there. It would have been heated.

Quite honestly, I believe that most people do not believe in the God they profess. This is based on their actions. Most religiously professed people do whatever they like, act however they like, but as long as they show up to church on Sunday, It’s all good. ‘Cause, you know, God Forgives.

It is raining down stars in here!

Your story is similar to mine. Except that in addition to saying that things in the bible didn’t make sense. I was also privy to the hypocrisy of people in the church talking about others behind their back, Pastors having affairs; and instead of helping people in trouble, they were judged as sinners and shut out from

There is no perfection in evolution. Only change.

I mean, I get it. Sista’ has to make a dollar. There is no other way she could use her celebrity status to help black people in a republican dominated administration. Really, if she were not sweeping the crumbs off the table after the banquet and feeding the starving masses in the fields, they wouldn’t get anything at

Let us not forget that one of the first items on Jeff “King Keebler Krackers” (had to get all the Ks in) agenda was to reduce the ability of the FBI to investigate white supremacist groups in order to refocus on islamic terror and other foreign terrorist groups. So now the FBI no longer has the resources to do its

You get a double adult star.

The set of actions put into place by the Dump administration are put into place to effectively reinstate slavery. Using the penal system (not justice) to keep people of color down and criminalized.

I am screaming right now! lol

My ovaries just shriveled up and died.

This is literally two anuses french kissing and swapping stool like spit.

The gall.... The absolute GALL of this situation is enough to make me swallow my own tongue.

My mother would say “I’m goin’ t’ slap the taste outta your mouth”. That was her favorite.


As a woman who grew up on Philadelphia subways, subway face has given way to adult RBF (Relaxed Bit*h Face).