Dosadi's failed experiment

Let us not forget that one of the first items on Jeff “King Keebler Krackers” (had to get all the Ks in) agenda was to reduce the ability of the FBI to investigate white supremacist groups in order to refocus on islamic terror and other foreign terrorist groups. So now the FBI no longer has the resources to do its

You get a double adult star.

The set of actions put into place by the Dump administration are put into place to effectively reinstate slavery. Using the penal system (not justice) to keep people of color down and criminalized.

I am screaming right now! lol

My ovaries just shriveled up and died.

This is literally two anuses french kissing and swapping stool like spit.

The gall.... The absolute GALL of this situation is enough to make me swallow my own tongue.

My mother would say “I’m goin’ t’ slap the taste outta your mouth”. That was her favorite.


As a woman who grew up on Philadelphia subways, subway face has given way to adult RBF (Relaxed Bit*h Face).

Satan is an anagram for Santa! Christmas is the devil.

You forgot “recreating the crime scene”

All I have to say is ... Uncle Rukus

Can someone riddle me this? If there is a plan to go into dangerous location wouldn’t/shouldn’t the police scout the location first in order to determine the best approach to the property? What the fuq about google maps and street view before rolling out? I use that all the time before going to an unknown location.

Political pardons are the constitutional version of Sin Eaters.

Here’s the thing. They are going to have to go through some serious contortions to navigate this situation. If the police officer faces charges (IF) and gets off (probably), as has been the case with black police shooting victims, the narrative will focus on bad policing and bad police practices (standard operating

He has bad hipster hair.

I like the idea of that too. But it is not the reality of the world we live in. I can give you a personal example. My sister (black) married a white man and had children. When those children were pre-teens they started calling people in my family the N-word. Even though we were the ones supporting them in every way

That^ right there. My issues with marrying out are generational and economic. When a successful black man (celebrity, sports, business) marries out, the children tend to also marry out. Their economic success gets funneled into the dominant society which excludes black people. The children, going to majority schools