Looks like ass, in this image. His skin is on his face and the ragdoll effect hasn’t backfired causing his teammate to fly into the stratosphere. Way to not stick to the source material, Hollywood.
I’d feel sorry for them not getting to keep it all, except they shot that video vertically. And that’s unforgivable!
I’m glad you apologized at the start, cause you write terribly.
I still feel that the descent to the darkside feels a bit more honest, he’s seeking to contribute and become something greater, he has motivation that spans beyond himself and his introduction proved he was a badass on screen. What Abrams did with the character is essentially what we should have expected in Episode II…
I’ve always been curious about Dream and it’s eventual transformation into Banjo-Kazooie. It’s really cool to finally see some gameplay depicting that transition.
Look, I was a bit underwhelmed the first time I saw it and was critical of the story structure, but on second viewing today the film held together much better and I enjoyed it thoroughly. It’s a pretty solid film (deus ex machina aside) and in combination with the best acting Star Wars has had, the integration of…
“The cause of the accident was the fact “the driver accidentally hit the accelerator instead of the brakes when she was attempting to pull out of a parking space at the apartment complex.” “
It’s almost as if the entire Star Wars series is based on traditional story tropes and archetypes that are hundreds if not thousands of years old. Who would have thought!
I thought at the time it was released FFVII looked amazing. Especially the prerendered backgrounds.
Close. I was fifteen when FF VII came out; I am now thirty-three.
Either way, the statute of spoiler limitations expired long ago, and anyone whining now is being a churl.
Increasingly common, but smart marketing moves thanks to award shows and gaming events. Witcher 3 got GoTY? Price cut it and watch sales spike.
After that mission I kind of want a new expansion to be horror.