Yeah, I don’t really get her: “I was assaulted at CBS so I had to leave, but CBS totally had my back, and I’ll talk about it vaguely, but never give enough details to end the rampant speculation, and I’ll threaten to arrest anyone who follows up on my ambiguous claims.”
I sympathize if she was victimized on set. But you don’t make cryptic comments on social media, imply a particular actor was involved, then feign shock that people might want details.
I actually honeymooned in Canada, kind of accidentally. I’d been to Montréal many times and when I met the guy who’s now my husband I said, “We’ve never been away together. Why don’t we go to Montréal? I can speak French. I can’t speak Québécois, but they can understand French if they hear it.”
I believe her ex is suing her for stalking him.
A couple years ago there was some messy situation where she was attacked by a homeless guy (or something?) and then completely melted down on social media and ever since I’ve thought she seemed kinda ...fragile.
Pauley Perrette seems to relish the drama. Or needs some serious professional help.
Witch Hunt™!
Who else besides me thinks the Family Circus mom is hot?
Kelly Sadler: “I saw Goody Schlapp consorting with the Devil!”
If they’re going to backstab each other, can they be supplied with actual knives?
And none of these people are actually about children. If they were, they would provide the medical care, housing, funding for all these foetuses they are so desperate to save.
And here in Ireland the exit polls put the Abortion Referendum passing with roughly 68% of the vote in favour of repealing our 8th Amendment which essentially outlawed abortion while also putting the lives of women at risk seeing as even cancer treatments would be denied to a woman if she happened to be pregnant.
Interesting snippet about the zebra fish diggin’ on opioids. Scientists did a similar study on birds to see what birds became addicted to what drugs. Crows went straight to heroin. Parrots, not surprisingly, loved weed. But statistically speaking ducks were the most fascinating. They became addicted to.......
Wait, people who think that government agents are out to get them can be put under involuntary psychiatric hold?
I’m gonna do some weed, sneak in a double double and shake in my massive purse, and watch the shit out of this movie.
Can’t you do both? Put the cheese on the burger, and upon removal, put the cheese side of the burger down on to the top half of the bun.