
The desaturation of color in Final Fantasy seems to correlate quite nicely with its lost sense of whimsy. I miss the days of IX.

I won’t be concerned until you suddenly see Messi’s leg plunge through the ground during the second half and then watch Jovic and Bale become one homogeneous blob during a goal celebration gone wrong.

That all looked boring. I feel like master race not getting any good games. Honestly i feel like now days gaming is very unpolished, and uninspired, and most games made, especially early access games, dead on arrivial. Especially games that people are making multiplayer. Why and how some developers are wasting time

I love all the hate video games get, while 90% of the rest of the population is watching TV or browsing their phones with most of their downtime.

Just goes to show, piracy and fan projects like this are what happens when consumer demand isn’t met by legitimate means.

Tulsi Gabbard, a woman of Samoan descent who was married to a Philipino man and now is married to a Maori-Samoan man.... hates brown people.

You must have missed the part where they were offered the slot, agreed to it, then pulled at the very last minute and not given a reason. This after advertising to their audience and spotlighting PAX. That is as shady as busines practices come.

This is the issue. They told him he could have a panel, a panel fans may have signed up/bought tickets specifically for, and then said panel was cancelled with no notice as to why. That’s just crappy event management regardless of politics. If it is political, stand by it and say we cancelled because of XYZ views.

They should have done it sooner, doing it this late when they’ve advertised it and fans bought tickets to it and now have to cancel hotels and plane tickets without the possibility of refund is a very shitty thing to do. They should just let them attend and then next time do their homework on who wants a panel.

We’re talking about a center-right person (at most), who detests Trump and his rhetoric so much that he left the Republican party over it. Is anyone even remotely conservative considered too controversial to participate in the gaming community these days? That’s deeply troubling to me if it is indeed the case. 

What makes it the right call? Its not like Collin is a raving lunatic. On Beyond and kinda funny he had different political views but he never spouted bullshit rhetoric really. I dont know how much has changed since then, but idk I feel like the dude got done dirty and he knew a lot about the gaming business lol

of course...but the whole point is that they were GIVEN a spot...then took it away after it was promoted by them, and their fans had purchased everything to go see them.

I don’t care for these guys, but it is kind of crappy that they were given this spot, they and their fans made plans to attend, and the rug was pulled out from under them with little notice.

Chris is a liberal and the podcast is apolitical. This article seems so misinformed. Calling  Chris a conservative talking head is insane.

Seriously, I don’t understand why nice keyboards need gimmicky crap that looked bad on modded Honda Civics in 2002. Of course, this goes for virtually all gamer-branded hardware.

You’ve averaged 5.5% on your investments in the past 5 years. A goddamn balanced index has averaged 10% in the last 5.

Any thing of value, physical property, stocks, currency, crypto currency. Is only ever worth what people accept it to be worth. This is why thr value of all things with value fluctuates. In regard to crypto currency vs regular currency. Crypto currency has one MAJOR advantage to physical currency. And a few minor ones.

You can now short on futures markets. That’s why Wall Street has been getting such a hard on for them coming this month: Cause everybody on wall street has been talking cash shit like they are going to go on ahead and short Bitcoin when the flood gates open up.

Such a crash... Goes up ~600% in 1 month, drops 30% and it the sky is falling. Get a grip... Even if you’ve been in for a few months you’ve already have a far higher return that 99% of the stock market in a year.

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