Scholar Jen Zin

So men aren't oppressed? I've heard them say that men are considered disposable and that women are favored in courts regarding children.

I was just wondering if you had an objective outlook since some of your other comments I read seemed pretty reasonable. I just like to hear people's opinions.

Isn't there a general right or wrong though? Like whether or not women are really held in lower regard in the West, or if it's really men that are oppressed, like some anti feminists say.

It's because I've lots of feminism and sjw stuff online, as well as anti feminism and anti sjw people. I just want to know whose right?

Just wondering, are you against feminism?

So you're not anti feminist?

The same happened with a mass knife attack in Japan, where many patients were killed, but the Orlando shooting got lots of coverage because of Islam being a big deal.

I don't know names because I don't know a lot about it.

But some apparently will try to get people fired and censor people they disagree with.

Are social justice warriors pretty much a different thing from feminists then?

Aren't a lot of feminist extremists bad too? Anita Sarkeesian doesn't seem like an honest one, since she refuses to defend certain points she makes that she puts forward as fact.

Yes, pretty much. It seems biased.

I think your right Asuka, although people have the same attitude toward radical feminists too. No one should make personal attacks against anyone.

People wish death on the feminist extremists too. Even in my case, I'm part of LGBT and yet I've dealt with gay or trans people who will say, make fun of mentally retarded people. Some people are hive minded about their causes.

What is it you dislike about him anyway?

He seems so popular. I'm glad some people can see he has no good intentions.

Do you think it's valid? It seems like criticism he gets is presumed to be from crazy feminists and social justice warriors.

Bullying bullies proves how nasty people can get under the guise of "moral" outrage.

They don't have less rights where I live. And in many places, but they're still viewed differently.

No it's not, because it's never ever for anyone's benefit. It's always people just being uncivil and over emotional. I'm trans and I guarantee that no one would be this critical of gay or trans people who are bigoted.