Scholar Jen Zin

Makes you as bad as them. And doesn't help.

Pretty much. I'm trans myself and have noticed the way people will react differently depending on who it is.

They don't get criticism for it.

When people resort to personal attacks, they're just proving they're okay with bullying when it suits them. Bullying bullies is considered okay. A woman is caught hurting a pet cat, and it's okay to send her death threats and expose private information. Same deal with how people respond here. They are fine with being

Gay and transgender people can be very bigoted too.

The way people respond to them is an example of people being okay with bullying bullies. Getting nasty and uncivil because their emotional cage was rattled.

Nobody would say that about a gay or trans bigot, unless they were anti gay. I'm trans and gay and transgender people don't get called out for their bigotry.

Would you people criticize gay or trans bigots by any chance?

People shouldn't bully the WBC.

Gay and trans people are bigots too. Speaking as a trans person.

It's not okay to get personal though, no matter who it is.

That's pretty immature.