that clip is literally the only part of any of the fast & furious movies i have ever seen
that clip is literally the only part of any of the fast & furious movies i have ever seen
No tin tops are on the list. That's why NASCAR isn't there. ACCUS exists because the US needs an umbrella organization over all motorsport so that American interests can be represented at the FIA. ACCUS is just like the British MSA and Australian CAMS, but ACCUS cedes control to various sanctioning bodies within the…
Yes, I know, but according the summary her friend, or another girl got raped straight off, but the hero's daughter gets to stay an unspoiled virgin.
Charles Bronson is missing the resurgence of his genre!
I believe what he said was (rough translation) "I would liked to have seen Montana"
Ooh! Ooh! Somebody insufferable?
I said, hey bud, you can't support someone under a fucking rock.
You know you done fucked up when your own mother is happy you weren't home for Thanksgiving.
Well, that's one way to tailgate
Mike Jones, I need to speak with you immediately regarding some very important information in your possession.
"..are brought to you by Nike, Just Do It; and Budweiser, The King of Beers; and...Bank. Give Bank money. Now."
We're lucky there's no sound on this. Every time that god damn panda rolls down the hill, you can see it mouthing, "global warming my ass, amirite???"
I sincerely hope you hold it with both hands like a squirrel drinking out of an acorn cup.
Yuengling: when it isn't procured through interstate trafficking, it loses some of the veneer.
Coors Banquet is a horror-show of a concoction. Little known fact: Jim Jones was originally going to use it in Jonestown, but he didn't want history to regard him as some fucking animal.
Why are we acting like this is only about her touching her 1 year old sister's vagina when she was 7 and not also about emotionally coercing her sister into sleeping in her bed and then masturbating while she sleeps? And about paying her sister in candy to give her long kisses on the lips? And about paying her sister…