I won't even correct people on the pronunciation of Laphroiag for fear that they may actually be able to locate and purchase some, thereby rendering it rarer and more expensive.
I had my electric service upgraded to 200 amp pretty much as soon as I moved into my home; the whole cost including going from aerial to UG service, installing hardwired smoke alarms (yep that was required), a new panel/breakers, etc was under $3k.
They throw them at us young here too. We took a 12th grade proficiency test in 7th or 8th grade and my buddy and I scored in the 95th percentile for high school seniors.
Ok so it's nearly impossible to need to run that far on a boat.
Well I don't think that pro-voucher/charter schools folk are as bad as you think. We are mostly made out to be mostly anti-vax/pro-jesus/wtf-ever makes people uncomfortable at the moment when all we want is a good fucking education for ALL children. Like you said "if my tax dollars are going to educate my children, or…
Yeah I kind of realized after the fact that you were saying the bottom of the larger pan (which is in this case the upward facing part of the pan, the pan where you put the GCS in the first place) as opposed to the bottom of the smaller pan that goes on top of the grilled cheese (which in this case is the downward…
Way more of a pain in the ass than I'm prepared to deal with. Especially because people KNOW what a pain in the ass taking them bitches apart is and are super impressed with you when they just fall the fuck apart in their greasy mitts.
Oh also this all costs about $10 for 26-30 wings (normal wing count measurement, separated that is)
Basically making hotwings but not using the fryer because it makes a huge mess:
Realistically, it's be nearly impossible to run that far on a boat.
Also, at least around here charter schools get plenty of scrutiny, of the 10 that have opened around here only 5 still exist. the others have been shut down due to mismanagement or poor performance.
I know it's popular to pick on bible-thumpers here on gawker networks, but could the reason people want an alternative possibly have anything do with the fact that we spend more $ per pupil, and a larger than average % of GDP on education and get shitty results?
Bumper bowling. Yes.
Guess what, the cheese follows the normal path of gravity: down. Away from the bottom of the pan that is, well on top of the sandwich. I've made sammies this way a few times and you get a bit of melted butter on the bottom, but it wipes off with a paper towel NP.