
It started with some meme. Obviously. Like a picture of tree and some words about “trees that let anyone pick fruit get aids and die” type thing. Which, in addition to being super fucking hypocritical on the part of the poster, is just a shitty way to think about other people. And I was nice, and polite, and said

Oh hi! Are you me? I participated in FB for about six months, ended up deeply disliking everyone I was “friends” with on there so much that it ended several real life friendships.

Yes, the sticky pork buns in SFO are delicious and worth the leak into my carry on.

I use the big sharp knife and twist method, but this seems safer for me all around.

I did some googling and there are fairly recent articles about a site,, run by a woman undergoing cancer treatment. Unfortunately, only a sad (600 likes) Facebook page is up. The standalone site is empty. I hope she is okay.

So needed this today. Fucking amazing.

Yeah, Diane Keaton’s insistence on supporting Pedo Allen really ruins her box office draw for me.

But you do actually go into the store right? You can see the pint and quart containers?

Shut the fuck up. Burn them all.

Aww is widdle Cheeto Hitler gonna have a sad now?

Kill da babies! Kill da babies!

I’ll be checking the comments hoping I am not the first to point this out to you Beth. Because, Beth, we have a fucking problem. Namely, you apparently haven’t read the fucking book. Serena Fucking Joy was a vocal public figure prior to the formation of Gilead. This is HER FUCKING UTOPIA.

U mad bro?

The last time I went to a neighborhood hardware store the three guys standing around in the front tried to mansplain why I didn’t need a front license plate mount in Nevada. You absolutely do. I had just come from the DMV changing my out of state plates. They were very clear.

Brilliant. I will be singing this ALL DAY.

Pints etc have an easy cheat. Just think about the containers they sell milk and cream in.

I’d be interested in reading that. I’m really curious about your view. Possible for a brief summary?

Have you ever seen Thelma & Louise?

Well, they aren’t expensive. I think I paid 20-30 and the whole kit came with a million filters. I thought it would be good for camping but you need to have a very stable surface to push down the plunger. I think it even came with a travel bag so if you hate it, just bag it up and keep it for guests who enjoy tiny

Immediately after? No. But Wednesday is absolutely four days after Saturday.