Schmory Gilmore

um what about lady not being jake's wife and "that was tree trunks"? just what was tt?

Adventure Time Forum is giving me the weirdest boner

Most of all it reminded me of Adventure time, what with the character/(voice) actor growth spurt and the coming of age story and the terrible father figures.

Season 2 was the best.


Reddit says the movie Don was watching at the beginning of the episode was Model Shop and IMDB says it opened April 1st 1969. Not that disorienting.

Your wife's the worst.

Definitely a red herring, those kids don't look like orphans ("Are we being punished?"). In Bays' head it's a sad twist that acts like a challenge in an otherwise all too perfect love story. Also, buzz for the finale.

Raj would never do such a stupid thing again after Penny and Leonard got back together. Penny definitely would though, so I'm expecting a huge mess up from her. Just not with Raj.

…did we?

Oh, come on, Van Der Werff, God! BALENCIAGAAAAAA!

I really hope at some point the Save Greendale committee will also do another Save Garrett rally. That guy's just a mess.

The tasty english muffin song totally sold me on this.

Wes Anderson homage.

When the translator thingy came up I kinda hoped for one last donde esta la biblioteca tag. Pretty disappointing. Loved the episode though.

Does it even matter anymore? I'd rather have some fun with something kind of new.

Why won't they introduce Mrs Wolowitz onscreen?

Jack Nicholson will be waiting for you after you end up liking s7 best.

Funny and effervescent?! S4 features a teaser where Lorelai and Rory sit around on the phone actually saying nothing and watching a Neato roam across the room. I'm sorry, I hate it!

Thank God.