Schmory Gilmore

It's great to be so horribly wrong about the one thing I thought was general consensus! Yey! Okay, I'll do it: 2>1>3>5>4>6>7

You're a genius

Fourth is your favorite? Are you high on Venice Beach medical cannabis? That's the season that brought us:
- Tana and Janet
- Asher Fleming
- divorced Luke
- Jess coming back to Stars Hollow more obnoxious than ever… I mean he really comes across as an asshole with Luke and then he's awfully dumped in front of that

Still not enough Mother. I like Sherri Shepherd, but it's just silly that she's had as much screentime as the rest of the gang, while the Mother disappeared after the premiere. Couldn't she drive with Marshall?

What is dead may never die.

I don't buy it! It's unbuyable! He looked for her for ten years! I mean, it's not like Ted's the kind of guy who systematically misses life-changing encounters with dark haired women!

I thought it was a pretty dumb idea, putting Slutty Pumpkin (be it KH or not) in that frame. It doesn't make sense. Ted would have seen her.