
Becuase, in kinjaland, saying “Tebow” in the headline is akin to Pavlov ringing the bell for his dogs.

AJ is that you? Sorry, I dont have any spare change, try to budget better next time..

He may be a tool, but you guys employed AJ, soooo..... relatively speaking, what Peter did was a public service

CK: “Shit!”

This viral marketing scheme causes me to tell my wife not to buy Chobani.

It’s almost as if it was all just media-driven fear mongering.

Maybe the angry mob trying to influence the judge should try threatening him instead?

I can’t beleive he is actually able to tweet stuff, someone should probably shut him down.

Those poor millionaires.


This is a completely rational thing to do.

Clevenger must obey!

Man, I guess Aaron Rodgers is a racist now too..

It’s the Gawker, ahem cough cough, Deadspin, formula for clicks..

I heard they lost the willow creek antique mall deal over this.

Dude looks like colin kaepernick


Now we can all get out brooms and start sweeping!!

Everything this man ever does will be perfect!! Because reasons..
