Schmitty Day

Trump sent, among others, a long-haul truck driver, a telephone company clerk, a gas company meter reader, a country club cabana attendant, a Republican National Committee intern and the owner of a scented candle company.

He does have 3 children with his first wife, so he has conjugated. But this one does seem more like a business arrangement. Chao wanted power in Washington. and latched onto Mitch to get it. She and her family have made him extremely wealthy. Given that Mitch was kicked out of the army for sexing up another soldier,

It pisses me off to no end that these evil coniving bastards stood behind Christianity to push through a rapist to the Supreme Court. All so they could stop Roe v Wade. They literally were the men throwing stones at the woman who came to Jesus’ feet.

He is just another dipshit that needs to learn the difference between literally and figuratively. For example Dr. Ford was literally assaulted, he was figuratively assaulted, but if really wants to experience a literal assault there are surely plenty of people that would help him out.

When I was much younger and Kavanaughed I used to do the “Walk Like an Egyptian” dance when the song came on. Is it possible that Trump and I did it together in the same venue in New York in the 80s? I should send a note to the White House and ask about this. I liked beer. I still like beer. I never attempted to rape

Quite well worth it. I knew it was bad, but the granular details are grisly. JFC, its worse than I dreaded

I can feel my heart pulsing in my eyeballs I’m so pissed. Mr brc has been trying to online register to vote in Indiana- on 3 different devices - for the last 3 hours. I know it’s the last day but it should still work, every time he gets through the process and hits “submit,” nothing, squat, just sits there. Probably

Well it worked for Nixon in 68 - admittedly against the Black Panthers and Nation of Islam rather than women being loud but nonviolent, but who cares about little details like that.

That whole article is a hair-raising read! Well worth it.

“what happened to civility is politiiiiiiics" on repeat for the next month

It feels like they think they have a winning issue and are running with it... The false narrative that Democratic mobs are attacking white males, and only they, the party of law and order can save you. They’ll take the story of Ted Cruz being bothered at while out at dinner, people jumping in elevators to talk to

Eric Dreiband, Trump’s nominee for the position of assistant attorney general, has an appalling record

I don’t know if it’s a hot take or not, but Mitch McConnell is the worst man in the world. Worse than Trump, worse than Putin, worse than poachers and war criminals, etc. I’m not usually the vengeful type who wishes specific ill on people, but I wish all the ill in the world on that bastard.

Some farmers will be happy.

they haven’t gotten their checks - in other words, they weren’t paid!

He told reporters that it felt like Republican senators were “literally under assault” during the Kavanaugh hearings because demonstrators, many of them survivors themselves, confronted them over their decision to vote an accused rapist onto the Supreme Court.

Barack Obama: America’s last president.

The paid D.C. protesters are now ready to REALLY protest because they haven’t gotten their checks - in other words, they weren’t paid! Screamers in Congress, and outside, were far too obvious - less professional than anticipated by those paying (or not paying) the bills!”

Democrats everywhere need to fucking grow a pair. The shit we’re fighting for benefits EVERYONE. Living wages. Medicare for all. Affordable (or preferably free) Higher Education. Criminal Justice reform. Fuck playing nice, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY let’s get this shit done

What a fucking douche. People need to punish this sort of shit.