Schmitty Day

Yeah, the wording in that statement is... puzzling? Why not just say they take these accusations seriously, but the evidence so far has not caused them to reconsider or something to that effect? I mean when someone is accused of attempted rape, who states that makes them support to accused even more?

Man here. Have never worried about my career being destroyed by a rape allegation. Apparently, it’s common for Republicans though.

He doesn’t care. They’re about to overturn the very concept of government regulation of business. This is what the oligarchs want and they’ll get it by any means necessary.

Does the White House counsel know he may have just implied that damn near every man on earth (himself and his boss included) has been abusive to women? 

Your first reaction to this new information detailing the horrific sexual assault accusations against a potential Supreme Court Justice is a political advertisement? Yeah, #metoo. As soon as I heard that there is credible evidence that supports this professor’s allegations, I thought to myself “Welp, time to start

“If somebody can be brought down by accusations like this, then you, me, every man certainly should be worried. We can all be accused of something.”

I hope you’re right. One thing I’ve learned about the Dems over the years is that they are not nearly as cunning as Republicans. See gerrymandering and Merrick Garland.

If Feinstein wanted to protect the woman’s identity, it makes sense she would try everything else first.

Yeah I agree it’s weird the extent to which she’s controlled and that it’s lasted so long. I kind of think it’s possible it might have lasted that long because she’s ok with it? Maybe she likes having all the adult responsibilities in her life taken care of, and since her father’s the one in charge of it she probably

I’m going to move it six inches to the left instead.

omg those are gorgeous!!!

The ability to open and close curtains quickly is important the precise, mathematical opposite of important.

Well, we hoped nobody would notice BUT THANKS!!!

Not when you’re a woman, there isn’t. See also Arianna getting sh*t for Mac Miller’s death.

Well, at least they didn’t move her Offices to Trump tower at triple the rent and a 30 yr contract. 

Her motorized drapery probably wouldn’t have raised any red flags - particularly since it cost less than her astronomical monthly rent - if they weren’t freezing wages on all other federal employees and thinning the staff through lay offs and attrition.

and one of our most successful pop stars can’t even use her own money without supervision

I don’t think they are. Just hooked up or dated at one point. Fun fact: I was once on Instagram when Slick Woods accidentally went live...she was with a woman making out (the phone was on the couch or something by their hips and it was kinda dark but they were giggling...or rather the girl was giggling...and smacking

Kinja is an 11 million dollar cludge that no longer has the staff to maintain it properly.

Would gladly bargain with the devil to look like that, even if it means being pregnant forever. Because, gaddamn.